to facilitate the success of his operations. It permits the destruction of life of armed enemies and other persons whose destruction is incidentall [ ... ]
demand that war criminals answer for their crimes. In addition thereto, there is a general feeling that excesses occur in all armies, no matter how [ ... ]
punished. If international law as it applies to a given case is hopelessly inadequate, such inadequacy should be pointed out. If customary interna [ ... ]
express sanction, but only 'the fear of reprisals' decides. *** Moreover the officer is a child of his time. He is subject to the intellectual tend [ ... ]
claimed, for example, that certain SS units under the direct command of Heinrich Himmler committed certain of the atrocities herein charged without [ ... ]
only a portion of the large number of such acts which took place as a part of a general plan for subduing the countries of Yugoslavia and Greece. T [ ... ]
evidence of the contents of any document, if the original is not readily available or cannot be produced without delay. The tribunal shall afford t [ ... ]
by the defendants and unit commanders in their chain of command. By the general term "orders" is meant primarily the orders, directives and instruc [ ... ]
well trained and well disciplined army. Its efficiency was demonstrated on repeated occasions throughout the war. [ ... ]
There is some evidence that the troops in the Southeast were overage and not as well fitted for duty there as they might have been. The evidence sho [ ... ]