Note. issued for periods covering the period of the presentation of the case for each individual defendant. defendants, separate Indices will be issued, covering the testimony relating to the particular defendant.
Witness Karl von BODENSCHATZ. AIR DEFENCE of GERMANY. 5555 - 6 5557 -8. AIR FORCE (Rebuilding of) 5550 - 1 5564. ARYANISATION of HALF JEWS. 5542 CONCENTRATION CAMPS 5533 - 5 5537 -43. COVENTRY - Bombing of 5559. DAHLERUS 5528 - 9 5546 - 7 5567 - 8. GOERING - Early association with. 5524 - 5.
" - Loss of influence with Hitler. 5525 - 6 5552 - 5 5556 - 7. HITLER - Conferences with Commander. 5536. JEWS 5527 5565 - 7. JULY 20th BOMB PLOT. 5544 - 45. MUNICH AGREEMENT. 5545 - 6. POLAND - Plans of Aggression 5548 5560 - 1. REARMAMENT 5531. SCHMUNDT 5562. SPAIN 5563 - 4. WARSAW - bombing of 5559.
Witness Erhard MILCH. ALLIED AVIATORS. 5581. ART TREASURES. 5621 5675 - 77. BELGIUM and HOLLAND. 5659 - 61. CONCENTRATION CAMPS. 5630 - 33. DACHAU (Medical experiments) 5578 - 80 5622,5624, 5671,-74 FORCED LABOUR. 5621 - 2,5647 - 9 5669 - 71. GENERAL STAFF and OKW 5582 - 4 GOERING. - Attitude to the War. 5575.
" - Relations with Hitler. 5578 - 80. HITLER ****************** 5627 - 8. 5625 - 7 ******************* *---*- 3*---* INTERNATIONAL LAW (Violation of) 5586 - 7 5619 - 21.
JEWS (Aryanisation of half Jews) 5628 - 30. LUFTWAFFE - A defensive Air Force 5510 - 72 5586 5656 - 8.
-Unprepared for War. 5589 - 91 5609 - 11 PRISONERS of WAR (Forced labour in 5640 - 44 5645 - 7 Armament Industry) REICHSLUFTMINISTERIUM 5613 - 4. RHINELAND.
5602 - 3 5633 - 4. ROEHM PUTSCH 5632. SCHMUNDT. 5574 - 5 5658. S.S. 5624 - 5.
(6388) USSR.
- Plans for aggression 5576 5677 - 81.
- Probable results of War. 5615 - 6. YUGOSLAVIA (Attack on Belgrade) 5663 - 4. Witness BERND von BRAUCHITSCH. ALLIED AVIATORS 5687 - 8. 5691 - 3. BOMBING of GERMAN TOWNS. 5694 GOERING - At time of capitulation 5695 - Attitude of German people towards.
5699 - 5700 JEWS 5696. S.S. and S.D. 5696 - 5699. STALAG LUFT III 5685 - 6. Witness. Paul KOERNER. CENTRAL PANNING BOARD. 5714 - 5. CONCENTRATION CAMPS. 5701-3,5709-13,5716,5727-29. FOUR YEAR PLAN. 5705 - 6 5714 - 5. GESTAPO 5701. GOERING - Relations with HIMMLER. 5707. JEWS 5704 - 5 5716 - 20.
(6389) OCCUPIED TERRITORIES - Looting of 5721 - 7. ROEHM PUTSCH.
5703 - 4 5713. THAELMANN. 5707 - 9. Witness Albert KESSELRING. COMMANDOS. 5743 - 4 5773 - 4 5801 - 2. COMMANDERS -in-CHIEF - Duties of 5741 - 3.5751 5793 -6.
-Relations with Hitler. 5739,5752 - 4,5763 -4,5795-6. COVENTRY - Bombing of 5734 - 5. ENGLAND - Plans for invasion. 5770 - 1. GENERAL STAFF and OKW. 5735 - 9 5753. GESTAPO 5761. INTERNATIONAL LAW (Violation of) 5750 - 1. ITALY - Atrocities by German troops 5745 - 6 5775 - 6.
- Entry into War. 5751.
- Monte CASSINO. 5776 - 7.
- Hermann Goering Division. 5790 - 3.
- Ardeatine Caves MASSACRE. 5799 - 5801. JEWS (Aryanisation of half Jews) 5758 5762 - 3. KALTENBRUNNER and AUSTRIA. 5756.
(6390) LUFTWAFFE As a defensive weapon.
5730 - 1 5765 - 8.
- Role in French " " 5769 - 70. NORWAY (Quisling) 5796. POLAND (Plans for Aggression against 5771 - 2. ROTTERDAM - Bombing of 5732 - 4 5778 - 83. S.S. 5772 - 3.
U.S.A. - Declaration of War against 5751.
- Treatment of Ps W. 5764. Witness Birger DAHLERUS. BRITISH PUBLIC OPINION. 6092 - 6. 6119 - 20. GOERING - Meetings with. 6102-4, 6105, 6107-8,6128-9 Meeting with British.
6097 - 9. LONDON - Visits to 6099- 6101, 6104-5, 6108-9, 6127. POLAND - Plans for Aggression 6122 - 3. Ribbentrop's part. 6117 - 9, 6130.
(6345) Hermann GOERING.
ALLIED AVIATORS 5976-79,6059-60,6237-40,6227-30. ARMAMENT INDUSTRY. AUSTRIA. 5886 - 97. 6088 - 91. BELGIUM and HOLLAND 5920 - 23 6279 - 82. CHURCHES. 5852 - 59. CONCENTRATION CAMPS. 5837-42,5970-2,6052-4,6250-4,6293. COVENTRY -Bombing of 5951 - 2. CRIMES by GERMAN SOLDIERS 5979 - 80. (Punishment of) CZECHOSLOVAKIA 5898 - 5904. EARLY HISTORY. 5805 - 6. ENEMIES of the STATE -Decrees against. 5846 - 8 6050 - 2. FOUR YEAR PLAN. 5873 - 6 6080 - 2 6083 - 6. FRANCE - Internment of officers 5923 - 4.
- Art Treasures. 5934 - 9.
- Black Market. 5939 - 41. FUEHRERPRINZIP 5844 - 5 6049 - 50. GESTAPO. 6043 - 6 6056. GIBRALTAR -Plan for attack on 5958 - 9 5960.
5964 - 6. HAGUE CONVENTION. 9980 - 2. HERRENVOLK 5844 6347 - 9. HITLER - First contacts with 5807 -9 6067 - Becomes Reich Chancellor.
5817 - 26 - Advisers.
6304 - 7.
- Bomb Plot. 6060.
- Last will. 6061 - 2.
- Goerings relations with. 6297 - 99 6352. HOSSBACH. 5904 - 6. ITALY -Art treasures. 6216- 8.
- Partisans. 6350 - 52. JAPAN - Collaboration with. 5952 - 3. JEWISH PROMLEM. 5859 - 64,6169,6208,6302-4.
-No Demonstrations. 5864 - 7.
- Art treasures. 6208 - 15. KUGEL AKTION 6247 - 9 LEADERSHIP CORPS. 6054-5,6289-93. LEAGUE OF NATIONS 5867 - 8. LEBENSRAUM 5844. LUFTWAFFE -Rearmament of. 5869-73, 6086-7.
(6419) - Speech to officers.
5962 - 3. MUNICH PUTSCH 5811. MUNICH AGREEMENT. 5883 - 5. NSDAP -Member of 5810.
- Party Programme. 5843. NORWAY. 5917 -19. "ORGANISATIONSSTUDIE 1950" (L.43). 5960 - 1. POLAND - Plans for aggression. 5909 -17.6140-7,6343-6.
- Art Treasures. 5915 - 7.
- Bombing of Warsaw. 5948-9, 6230-1.
- Dahleruo. 6270 - 9. POSITIONS HELD. 5814-6 5832. PRISONERS OF WAR. 5972,6218-21, 6250-4, 6336-41. PRUSSIA - Prime Minister of 5833 - 5.
- Political Police in. 5833 - 7. REARMAMENT. 5869,6078-81,6083-6. REICH DEFENCE COUNCIL. 5877-9,6150-2,6157-60,6167-9. REICH RESEARCH COUNCIL. 5880. REICHSTAG. 5814, 5826-31.
6062-5. RHINELAND 5876 - 7, 6158 - 60. ROEHM PUTSCH. 5848-52,6055,6065-67. ROTTERDAM - Bombing of. 5949-51. S A. 6033-35,6040-1,6043,6055. SAUCKEL 5972-4,6326-8. SCHACHT. 6221-4. SCHMUNDT. 5906-08. SECRET CABINET COUNCIL. 5881-2. SONDERKOMMANDOS. 6231 -33. S.S. 5844,6055-6,6288-9. STALAG LUFT III. 5974-6,6240-6,6254-70. USSR - Plans for Aggression 5953-58,6055-7,6307-9.
- Objects of Aggression. 6309-15.
- Confiscation of property. 5968-9,6224-6.
- Destruction of towns. 5967-8,6346-7.
- Use of P's Armament Industry. 6218-9.
- Treatment of P's W. 6250-4,6336-41.
- " " of Civilian Population. 6325-36.
- As a threat to Germany. 6316-8.
(6421) VERSAILLES 6067-71,6074-6.WAFFEN S.S. 6047-81, 6286-88.
YUGOSLAVIA. 5942-7, 6282-6.
(6422) Transcript - Index Witness : Hermann GOERING ' '' ' Sea Rescue Service ' 6014 - 15 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (6320) ' ' ' ' ' ' Transcript - Index Witness : Hermann GOERING Armament Ministry 6008 - 9 Central Planning Board 6009 - 10 Economics-Minister of 6005 - 7 Economy in occupied territories 6008 Mobilisation 6007 - 8 NSDAP - Connections with 6004 Press 6004 - 5 Propaganda Ministry 6005 Reichsbank 6007 (6321) Transcript - Index.
Witness : Erhard MILCH Wehrmacht (1937 Manoeuvres) 5601 Witness : Hermann GOERING Geneva Convention 6016 Hitler - Relations with 6015 - 6 Norway 6016 - 7 (6322) Transcript - Index Witness : Erhard M I L C H Concentration Camps 5603 - 5 Jews ( Annihilation of ) 5606 - 7 (6323) Transcript Index Witness:
Hermann GORING ALLIED AVIATORS 5998 HITLER - Relations with 5989 - 95 OKW - Keitel's function 5984 - 88 REICH DEFENCE COUNCIL 5995 - 6 Transcript Index Witness:
Hermann GORING AMBASSADOR IN LONDON 6023 - 4 AUSTRIA 6026 - 7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 6023 GOLDEN PARTY EMBLEM 6025 - 6 Transcript Index Witness:
Hermann GORING FORMATION OF NAZI GOVERNMENT 6017-9 Transcript Index Witness: