Date Pages No. Contents.
30th July 1946 14660 - 14680 Gen. Rudenko continues final speech.
14680 Mr. Barrington states prosecution views on applications for SA witnesses.
14681-682 Dr. Boehm states his vies on SA witnesses.
14682 - 684 Mr. Barrington deals with SA documents.
14684 - 687 Dr. Boehm deals with SA documents.
14690 - 693 Dr. Servatius opens case for Political Leaders.
14694 - 707 Examination of witness KAUFMANN by Dr. Servatius 14742 - 743 Re-examination of witness by Dr. Servatius.
14745 - 753 Examination of witness MEYER - WENDERBORN by Dr. Servatius. 31st July 1946 14754 - 14755 Examination of witness MEYER WENDERBORN by Dr. Servatius continued 14754 - 14841 14755 - 770 Cross-examination of witness MEYER WENDERBORN by Mr. Griffith Jones.
14770 Re - examination of witness MEYER WENDERBORN Dr. Servatius.
14771 - 780 Examination of witness WEGSCHEIDER by Dr. Servatius 14780 - 784 Cross-examination of witness WEGSCHEIDER by Mr. Griffith Jones 14784 - 785 Examination of witness WEGSCHEIDER by the Tribunal ( Gen.
Nikitschenko ) 14787 - 793 Examination of witness HIRT by Dr. Servatius.
14794 - 796 Cross-examination of witness HIRT by Mr. Griffith - Jones.
14796 - 799 Cross-examination of witness HIRT by Gen. Raginsky.
14799 - 14801 Re-examination of witness HIRT by Dr. Servatius 14802 - 815 Examination of witness HUPPFAUER by Dr.Servatius 14815 - 818 Cross-examination of witness HUPFAUER by Mr. Griffith Jones 14819 Dr.Servatius asks to submit documents and affidavits later.
14820 - 841 Examination of witness BEST by Dr. Merkel ( Gestapo ) I.M.T. Transcript Date Page Ref.
Contents 1st August 1946 14842 - 14843 Examination of witness BEST by Dr. Gawlik ( SD ). 14842 - 14934 14844 - 860 Cross-examination of witness BEST by Lt. Comdr. Harris.
14840 - 062 Re-examination of witness BEST by Dr. Merkel ( Gestapo ) 14862 - 063 Re-examination of witness BEST by Dr. Laternser (high Command ) 14864 - 878 Examination of witness HOFFMANN by Dr. Merkel ( Gestapo ) 14879 - 894 Cross-examination of witness HOFFMANN by M. Monneray.
14894 - 895 Re-examination of witness HOFFMANN by Dr. Merkel 14895 - 898 Examination of witness HOFFMANN by The Tribunal ( Mr. Biddle) 14899 Re-cross-examination of witness HOFFMANN by Lt.Comdr.
Harris 14899 - 901 Col.
Karev submits documents with regard to activities of the Gestapo.
14901 - 902 Discussion President - Dr. Merkel about final argument.
14903 - 921 Examination of witness HOEPPNER by Dr. Gawlik (SD).
14930 - 931 Re-examination of witness HOEPPNER by Dr. Gawlik 2nd August 1946 14935 - 14961 Cross-examination of witness HOEPPNER by Col. Smirnov. 14935 -15015 14961 - 966 Re-examination of witness HOEPPNER by Dr. Gawlik 14966 - 982 Examination of witness ROESSNER by Dr. Gawlik 14982 - 15000 Cross-examination of witness ROESSNER by M.Monneray.
15001 - 008 Examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER by Dr. Kubuschok ( Reich Cabinet ) 15008 - 014 Cross-examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER by Dr. Kempner.
15014 - 015 Re-examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER by Dr. Dix ( Schacht ) 3rd August 1946 15016 - 15017 Dr.Siemers makes application to call witness BUERCKNER. 15016 - 15053 15018 - 019 Re-examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER By Dr. Kubuschok 15019 - 020 Mr.Elwyn Jones requests permission on to call SIEVERS as a witness.
Date Page Nos. Contents 3rd August 1946 15020 - 15023 Dr. Pelckmann (SS) opposes.
contd. 15023 Tribunal grants application.
15024 - 053 Examination of witness EBERSTEIN by Dr. Pelckmann (SS ) 15037 Dr.Siemers application rejected.
5th August 1946 15054 - 15063 Examination of witness EBERSTEIN by Dr. Pelckmann 15063 - 086 Cross-examination of witness EBERSTEIN by - Mr. Elwyn Jones.
15086 - 090 Re-examination of witness EBERSTEIN by Dr. Pelckmann 15094 - 103 Examination of witness BRILL by Dr. Pelckmann 15108 - 112 Cross-examination of witness BRILL by Mr. Elwyn Jones 15113 - 115 Cross-examination of witness BRILL by Col.
15116 Re-examination of witness BRILL by Dr. Pelckmann 15116 - 118 Examination of witness BRILL by The Tribunal ( Mr. Biddle ) 15118 - 128 Examination of witness HAUSSER by Dr. Pelckmann 6th August 1946 15129 - 15135 Examination of witness HAUSSER by Dr. Pelckmann 15129 - 15212 15135 - 159 Cross-examination of witness HAUSSER by Mr. Elwyn Jones 15159 - 164 Discussion Tribunal - Mr. Elwyn Jones - Sir David maxwell Fyfe and Dr. Pelckmann 15165 - 172 Cross-examination of witness HAUSSER by Mr. Elwyn Jones continued 15172 - 178 Cross-examination of witness HAUSSER by Col.
15160 - 187 Re-examination of Witness HAUSSER by Dr. Pelckmann.
15187 - 188 Dr. Pelckmann asks to call EIZENBERG as a witness.
15188 -15212 Examination of witness RINICKE by Dr. Pelchmann -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Page Nos.
Contents 7th August 1946 15213 - 15235 Examination of witness REINICKE BY Dr. Pelckmann 15213 - 15296 15235 - 236 Dr. Laternser asks permission to cross-examine. Refused 15237 - 254 Cross-Examination of witness REINICKE by Mr. Elwyn Jones 15255 - 257 Discussion President - Mr. Elwyn Jones - Dr. Pelckmann on admissibility of Czechoslova 15258 - 262 Cross-examination of witness REINICKE by Mr. Elwyn Jones.
15264 - 266 Dr. Seidl ( Frank ) reads additional portions of D 926 15266 - 272 Re-examination of witness REINICKE by Dr. Pelckmann 15272 - 273 Re-examination of witness REINICKE by Dr. Gawlik (SD ) 15273 - 276 Examination of witness REINICKE by The Tribunal ( Mr. Biddle ) 15279 - 281 Dr.Pelckmann applies to call witness MORGEN instead of HINDERFELD 15282 Examination of witness EIZENBERG by Mr. Elwyn Jones 15283 - 284 Cross-Examination of witness EIZENBERG by Dr. Pelckmann 15285 - 296 Examination of witness MORGEN by Dr. Pelckmann 8th August 1946 15297 - 15320 Examination of witness MORGEN by Dr. Pelckmann 15297 - 15343 15320 - 321 Examination of witness MORGEN by Dr. Gawlik (SD) 15322 - 343 Cross-Examination of witness SIEVERS by Mr. Elwyn Jones.
Date Page Nos. Contents. 9th August 1946 15344 - 15367 Cross-examination of witness SIEVERS by Mr. Elwyn Jones 15376 - 377 Mr. Elwyn Jones submits 3 documents on SS case 15377 Re-examination of witness SIEVERS by Dr. Laternser (High Command) 15378 - 379 Examination of witness SIEVERS by The tribunal ( Mr. Biddle) 15380 - 382 Lt.Comdr Harris presents document on BEST 15384 - 385 Gen.
Taylor makes observation on testimony of von *---* 15386 - 411 Examination of witness von *----* by *---* 15412 - 417 Cross-Examination of witness von *---* by *---* 15417 - 419 Re-Examination-of witness von *---* by Dr *---* 15420 - 436 Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Dr. Laternser 10th August 1946 15437 - 15460 Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Dr. Laternser 15437 - 15484 15461 - 462 Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Dr. Gawlik ( SD ) 15462 - 484 Cross-Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Gen.
Taylor 12th August 1946 15485 - 15487 Dr.Sauter ( Funk ) applies that affidavit of POHL be not admitted 15485 - 15568 15488 - 498 Cross-examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Gen.
Alexandrov 15498 - 501 Discussion President - Gen Alexandrov Dr Laternser *---* affidavit.
15508 - 510 Discussion Mr. Dodd - President Dr. Sauter about POHL affidavits application rejected 15511 - 523 Examination of witness von RUNDSTEDT by Dr. Laternser 15523 - 541 Cross-Ex amination of witnessvon RUNDSTEDT by Mr. *___* 15541 - 544 Re-Examination of witness von RUNDSTEDT by Dr. Laternser.
Date Page Nos. Contents 15544 - 15559 Examination of witnessBOCK by Dr. Boehm ( Sa ) 15560 - 568 Cross-Examination of witness BOCK by Mr. Barrington 13th August 1946 15569 - 15573 Re-examination of witness BOCK by Dr. Boehm 15569 - 15656 15573 - 592 Examination of witness SCHAEFER by Dr. Boehm 15593 - 616 Cross-Examination of witness *** by Mr Barrington 15617 - 630 Examination of witness GROSS by Dr. Boehm 15630 - 631 Examination of witness GROSS by Dr. Gawlik *---* 15632 - 638 Cross-Examination of witness GROSS by *---* 15639 Mr. Elwyn Jones asks Tribunal to accept the *---* 15639 - 656 Examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr. Boehm 14th August 1946 15657 - 15671 Examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr. Boehm 15th August 1946 15706 - 15707 President announces Tribunal rulings on Commission report application 15706 - 15752 by Dr. Klefisch to make a speech and find speeches of defendants 15745 - 749 Dr. Seidl ( Frank ) submits excerpt from Franks Deacy.
15750 - 752 Re-Examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr. Boehm IM.
T Transcript Date Page Nos.
Contents 16th August 1946 15753 - 15780 Re-examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr. Boehm *---* 15753 -15832 15781 - 783 Dr. Stahmer refers to additional applications re *---* sentence.
15784 - 788 Further examination of defendant FUNK by Dr. Sauter.
15788 - 795 Cross- " " " " " Mr. Dodd 15796 - 797 Examination " " " " The Tribunal (Mr. Biddle ) 15797 - 799 Dr. Stahmer makes further reference to Sievers *---* 15800 - 830 Dr. Servatius deals with Leadership Corps documents 15830 - 832 Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe deals with Goering's connections with Rascher experiments 19th August 1946 15833 - 836 Mr. Dodd objects to re-examination of GOERING 15833-15869 15836 - 842 Dr Servatius continues with Leadership Corps documents 20 August 1946 15870 - 887 Dr Dix ( Schacht) makes application to call *---* *---* Mrs.
STRUENK. 15870 - 15947 15871 - 872 President makes announcements about 1) *---* Recall of GOERING to witnessbox 15873 - 879 Examination of defendant GOERING by Dr. *---* 19879 - 892 Cross-examination of " " " Sir David Maxwell Fyfe 15948-16819 15950 - 952 Dr. Laternser argues that he should have a long the 15953 - 968 Dr. Pelckmann continues with SS documents.
15968 - 16015 Dr. Laternser submits General Staff & OKW documents 15984 Dr. Servatius makes a statement on final speeches on behalf of organisations.
16015 - 019 Dr. Boehm submits SA documents 22 August 1946 16020 - 049 Dr Boehm continues with SA documents. 16020 - 16096 16049 - 059 Mr Griffith - Jones submits documents in rebuttal.
16061 - 062 Dr. Boehm asks to explain interpretation of one of his documents 16063 - 066 ColSmirnov applies to strike out BUEHLER's evidence and for Tribunal *---* admit memorandum on 16066 - 067 Dr Nelte ( Keitel ) asks to submit two affidavits.
16067 - 069 Dr Sauter ( von Schirach ) asks to submit further interro*---* 23 August 1946 16097 - 131 Dr Servatius continues final plea, 16097 - 16185 16132 - 185 Dr Merkel makes final plea on behalf of Gestapo 26 August 1946 16151 - 152 Col Pokrowsky informs Tribunal that witness SCHREIBER is present and *---* be examined. 16151 - 16252 Dr Laternser objects.
16152 - 162 Examination of witness SCHREIBER by GEN. Alexandrov 16162 - 171 Cross- " " " " " Dr Laternser 27 August 1946 16253 - 255 Dr Laternser applies for further evidence in rebuttal or SCHREIBER's evidence 16253 - 16357 Sir David Maxwell Fyfe and Col.
Pokrowsky comments 16358 - 472 Dr. Laternser reads it.
28 August 1946 16358 - 359 Sir David Maxwell Fyfe states prosecution prepared to admit part or letter from General WARLIMONT 29 August 1946 16473 - 5 55 Sir David Maxwell Fyfe continues final speech. 16473 - 16599 16556 - 5 99 Mr Dodd makes final speech on organizations. 30 August 1946 16600 President refers to fresh application by Dr. Steinbauer to put an affidavit on behalf of Seyss-Inquart. 16600 - 16728 Dr. Laternser refers to further letter s on bacteriological warfare 16601 - 634 Gen.
Telford Taylor makes final speech on General Staff and Crew 16634 - 6 77 M. Champetier de Ribes makes final speech on organizations 16678 - 679 Mr Dodd objects to Steinbauer's application.
31 August 1946 16729 - 73 2 Final statement by defendant GOERING 16729 - 16793 16733 -740 " " " " HESS.
16741 - 74 3 " " " " RIBBENTROP 16744 - 747 " " " " KEITEL 16748 - 75 1 " " " " KALTEN-BRUNNER 16752 - 754 " " " " ROSENBERG 16755 - 757 " " " " FRANK 16757 - " " " " FRICK 16758 - 759 " " " " STREICHER 16760 - 76 1 " " " " FUNK 16762 - 76 4 " " " " SCHACHT 16764 - 764B " " " " DOENITZ 16765 - 66 " " " " RAEDER 16767 - 769 " " " " SCHIRACH 16771 - 77 Dr Nelte ( Keitel ) introduces two further affidavits.
16771 President denies Dr. Seidel's application for further medical examination of HESS. 16771 - 772 Dr Servatius ( Political Leaders), Dr. Kubuschok ( ven Papen ), Dr. Steinbauer ( Seyss - Inquart ), Dr. Flaechsner ( Speer ) presdient additional documents.
16773 - 777 Final statement by defendant SAUCKEL 16778 " " " " JODL 16779 - 780 " " " " VON PAPEN 16785 - 788 " " " " SPEER 16789 " " " " VON NEURATH 16789 - 792 " " " " FRITZSCHE 16793 President announces date for judgment.
20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 AGGRESSIVE WAR 2788.
ALLIED AIRMEN 2813., 1626-7. ART TREASURES 2796. AUSTRIA 2309. CABINET 1695-6, 1730. CHURCHES 1637-42, 1645, 1651, 1655-60, 2419, 2760, CONSPIRACY 1630, 2805. EASTERN TERRITORIES 2323, 2449, 2817. GER ANISATION 1565, 1636. GESTAPO 2783, 2785, 2798 INDICTMENT 3, 67. JEWS 245, 2798, 2880-2.
(Decrees) 1441. LEADERSHIP CORPS 1581-3, 1593, 1601, 1616. N.S.D.A.P. 196, 200. PLUNDER 1677, 1687. POLICE MEASURES 1633-4. Ps.W. 1631, 1841, 2807. SLAVE LABOUR 2815-6, 3011. S.S. 1885-6. RELIGION 11, 243-4.
(4943) 20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 AUSTRIA 475, 493, CABINET 1730.
COMMANDOS 2179, 2180. INDICTMENT 3,76, NORWAY AND DENMARK 870, 1006, 1068, 1091, 2160, 2648. OFFICIAL POSITIONS 2110, 2111, 2128, 2129, 2641, 2642, 2643, PLEA 98. POLAND 2647, 2648. SPEECHES 2643, 2645, 2646, 2671. U-BOATS 2648, 2650, 2665, 2671, 2683, 2725, 2727.
(4905) 20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 ART TREASURES- 2316.
AUSTRIA 475, 537. CABINET 1695, 1730. CHURCHES 2264, 2273. CONCENTRATION CAMPS 2459, 2483. CONFISCATION 1537. GERMANISATION 1532/3. INDICTMENT 3.66. JEWS 130, 136, 245, 1446/7, 2381, 2459, 2465, (Boycott) 1442.
(Diary) 1459/61, 1478, 1501/9. LEGISLATION 2453/57, 2459/60. N.S.D.A.P. 2450/1, 2453/4 PLEA 97. PLUNDER 1666/70. POLAND 1511/19, 1521, 2462/3, 2466/8, 2470.
2473/81, 2834. REARMAMENT 455. REGIERUNG 206/8. REICHSLEITER 192, 1580. S.A. 1737. SLAVE LABOUR 155, 1267, 1273/5, 1373, 2312, 2480/2.
(4883) 20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 AFFIDAVIT 233/5.ATROCITIES 2859/62.
AUSTRIA 475, 537, 587/9, 2263, 2858. CABINET 1692, 1696, 1701, 1704, 1707, 1710/2, 1714, 1728/30.
CHURCHES 1581, 1655, 2248, 2263/4. CIVIL RIGHTS 2851, 2853. CONCENTRATION CAMPS 1400/3, 2604, 2629/31, 2855, 2866. CONSPIRACY 226, 227, 229, 335, 2850, 2853, 2859, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 922, 947, 3273. CUSTODY 1400. GENERAL PLENIPOTENTIARY 2857/8. GESTAPO 1893. INDICTMENT 3, 67. HITLER 2846/8. JEWS 245, 1439, 1441, 1448, 2336, 2885/6. LEADERSHIP CORPS 1582. LEGISLATION 2853, 2856/8, 2860, 2962, 2958. MUNICH PUTSCH 2846.
(4884) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wilhelm FRICK (Continued). Page 2. N.S.D.A.P. 197/98, 200, 205, 207/8, 2846, 2848.
(4887) 20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 ATROCITIES 3229.
CONSPIRACY 3229, 3237. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 3223-5. GERMAN PRESS DIVISION 3218-35. INDICTMENT 3, 77. JEWS 3229-32. LAHOUSEN 723-4. N.S.D.A.P. 3218, 3212, 3239. PLEA 98. POLAND 3225-6. PROPOGANDA MINISTRY 3214, 3218 et seq. U.S.S.R. 1208, 3226-8, 3233-4. WIRELESS NEWS SERVICE 3213-8. YUGOSLAVIA. 3226.
(4944) 20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 AUSTRIA 475.
CABINET 1693, 1701, 1707, 1712, 1730. CONCENTRATION CAMPS (Dazhou). 2605. 2604, 2613, 2620/4. CONSPIRACY 145, 226, 227, 229, 2587, 2588, 2589, ECONOMIC 277, 2585/6, 2588, 2573, 2930, 2580. FRANCE 1018/9. INDICTMENT 3, 12, 70. JEWS 245, 1440, 2580, 2583/4, 2833. MESSERSMITH 2856. N.S.D.A.P. 2573/4, 2576/7. PLEA 98. PLUNDER 157. OCCUPIED TERRITORIES 2592. POLAND 1018/9. PRESS 2578, 3222. PROPAGANDA 2578/80. REGIERUNG 207/8. SLAVE LABOUR 2592, 3050, 3061. U.K. 1018/9. U.S.S.R. 1205/8. (4891) 20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 ALLIED AVIATORS 2371, 2911, 2932 AUSTRIA 475,511, 512, 533, 535, 537, 549, 550, ART TREASURES 2316, 2317.
CABINET 1692, 1693, 1698, 1706-9, 1712, 1714, CONSPIRACY 226, 227, 229, 2169, 2306, 2307, 2588. CONCENTRATION CAMPS 1339, 2324, 2325, 2931, CONCENTRATION CAMPS LABOUR 1357, 1361, 1842, CONFERENCES 5.11.37 - 845, 850, 1158.
23.5.39 - 862, 874, 930, 1004-5, 1110/1.
22.8.39 - 865, 1019-20, 1111/2.
23.11.39 - 931. CZECHO-SLOVAKIA 737, 744-7, 808, 808-9, 845-7, 850, 927-9, ECONOMICS 277, 279, 280, 281, 286, 297, 299, FRANCE 1018, 1106-8, FOUR-YEAR PLAN 2302, 2303, 2304, 2559, 2586, 2897, 2930/1. GREEN 357. GERMANISATION 1522, 1565, 1637. GESTAPO 1891-2, 1895, 1958, 2297, 2298, 2931, 3345. HACHA visit 850, 910-7, 918-20, 920-1, 932. HOSSBACH 146, 337, 2137. INDICTMENT 3, 9, 13, 63.
(4868) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hermann GOERING (Continued). Page 2. JAPAN 1245.
JEWS 245, 1440-1, 1622-3, 1650. 1954, 1955, 2856.
2798/9. LAHOUSEN 719-22. LOW COUNTRIES 874, 1106-11, 1114-7. LUFTWAFFE 848, 978-80, 2110, 2111, 2119, 2127, 2128, MEMEL 808, 808-9, MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS 1859. MESSERSMITH 2856. MUNICH PUTSCH 223, 2296. MUNITION WORKS EMPLOYMENT 1342, 1345, 1346. MUSSOLINI and CIANO 929-30. NORWAY and DENMARK 1072, 1087-9, 1097, 2353 N.S.D.A.P. 196, 201, 204, 205, 207-8, 210, 2135, 2290, PLEA 97. PLUNDER 157, 158, 1666, 1670, 1672-3, 1678. POLAND 617, 842, 862, 865, 931, 1018, 1040. POLAND (Exploitation) 1519, 1520, 1522, 2312, 2318, 2319, 2320, POLAND (Aggression) 2146, 2311. POLAND (Incorporation) 1510, 1514. PRISONERS OF WAR 2316, 2325.
(4869) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hermann GOERING (Continued). Page 3 REARMAMENT 442, 450, 452, 453, 455.
RECORDS 180. REICHSTAG FIRE 2852. RHINELAND 458. ROEHM PURGE 233, 236, 2299. S.A. 1739, 1740, 1761, 1779, 1784-5. SCHMUNDT 358, 370, 2149. SLAVE LABOUR 156, 1267-8, 1274, 2312, 2981, 2314, 2315, SLOVAKIA 896-8. SPOLIATION 1558, 1568. U.K. 1018, 1106-8. U.S.S.R. 887, 1163-4, 1177, 1184-5, 1188-9, 1198, YUGOSLAVIA and GREECE 1134-5, 1143-6. W.EUROPE (Exploitation) 2318, 3064, 3069, 3078, 3079, 3087, 3160, (4867) 20th November 1945 - 24th January 1946 ALLIED AVIATORS 2813, 2814, AUSTRIA 487, 586, 587, 2309.