| | |12139-143 |Dr. Nette makes a statement on the subject of the length of Defence final speeches.
| | |12143-145 |Individual counsel state length of time they will require.
| | |12145-147 |Further discussion President -Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe -Mr. Justice Jackson | |Dr. Nette on translation and reproduction of speeches.
|12147-156 |Cross -examination of defendant SPEER by Mr. Justice Jackson Continued.
| | |12156-181 | " " " " " " Gen.
Raginsky | | |12181-183 |Re-" " " " " " Dr. Servatuis (Sauckel) | | |12183- 184 | " " " " " " Dr. Flaechsner | | |12184- 185 |Examination of " " " Tribunal (Mr. Biddle) | | |12186-189 |Dr. Flaechsner present SPEER documents ---------------|-----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 22nd June 1946 |12190-191 |Dr. von Luedinghausen makes additional applications.
| | 12190-12226 |12192-226 |Examination of defendant von NEURATH by Dr. von Luedinghausen. ---------------|-----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| | 24th June 1946 |12227-300 |Examination of defendant von NEURATH by Dr. von Luedinghausen.
| | 12227-12300 | | ---------------|-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| | 25th June 1946 |12301 |Dr. Nette (Keitel) makes a statement about his final speech.
| | 12301-12402 |12302-303 |President gives Tribunal ruling on final speeches.
| | |12303-325 |Examination of defendant von NEURATH by Dr. Luedinghausen | | |12325-327 | " " " " " " Dr. Kubuschok (von Papen) (Page 2) (8719) --------------|-------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25th June 1946| 12395-12402| Cross-examination of defendant von NEURATH by Gen.
| | 26th June 1946| 12403-422 | Cross.-examination of defendant von NEURATH by Gen. Raginsky.
| | 12403-493 | 12423-429 | Re - " " " " " " Dr. von Luedinghausen | | | 12430 | " " " " " " " Dr. Thomas (Rosenberg) | | | 12430-431A | Examination " " " " " The Tribunal (Mr. Biddle) | | | 12431A-436 | " " " " " " " " (Gen.
Nikitchenko) | | | 12437-446 | Examination of witness KOEPKE by Dr. von Luedinghuausen | | | 12448-455 | Discussion of additional application for witnesses and documents | | | 12455-460 | Examination of witness DIECKHOFF by Dr. von Luedinghausen | | | 12460-461 | " " " " " Dr. Kubuschok (von Papen) | | | 12461-474 | " " " VOELKERS " Dr. von Luedinghausen | | | 12475-493 | Examination of defendant FRITZSCHE by Dr. Fritz --------------|-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 27th June 1946| 12494-535 | Examination of defendant FRITZSCHE by Dr. Fritz.
| | 12494-12535 | | --------------|-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| | 28th June 1946| 12536-549 | Examination of defendant FRITZSCHE by Dr Fritz | | 12536-12620 | 12549-550 | " " " " " Dr. Stahmer (Goering) | | | 12550-551 | " " " " " Dr. Kubuschok (von Papen) | | | 12551 | " " " " " Dr. Klefisch(SA) | | | 12551-553 | " " " " " Dr. Sauter (Funk) | | | 12553-557 | " " " " " Dr. Siemers (Raeder) (Page 3) (8720) | | 28th June 1946| 12558-559 |Examination of defendant FRITZSCHE by Dr Thomas (Rosenberg) | 12560-606 |Cross " " " " " Gen.
Rudenko | | | 12606-609 |Re-exam."
" " " " Dr. Fritz | | | 12609-620 |Examination of witness von SCHIRMEISTER by Dr. Fritz --------------|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 29th June 1946| 12621 |President gives Tribunal ruling on additional application for documents | | 12621-12660 | 12621-623 |Sir David Maxwell Fyfe makes a statement about remaining witnesses.
| | | 12623-628 |Discussion President - Dr. Bergold about BORMANN case.
| | | 12629-636 |Examination of witness von SCHIRMEISTER by Dr. Fritz.
| | | 12637-640 |Examination of defendant FRITZSCHE by the President.
| | | 12640-642 | " " " " " The Tribunal (Mr. Biddle).| | | 2644-656 |Dr. Bergold presents case for defendant BORMANN.
| | | 12656-660 |Discussion about KATYN evidence.
| | | | | | (8721) (Page 4) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I.M.T. Transcript Date Page No. Contents ---------------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1st July 1946 | 12661-662 | Opening remarks by Dr. Stahmer (Goering) about Katyn evidence.
12661-12741 | 12662-674 | Examination of witness AHRENS by Dr. Stahmer.
| 12674- 675 | " " " " " Dr. Kranzbuehler (Donitz) | 12675- 677 | Request of Dr. Laternser and Dr. Siemers to cross-examine refused | 12677-687 | Cross-examination of witness AHRENS by Col Smitnov.
| 12688- | Re " " " " " Dr. Stahmer.
| 12689- 690 | Examination " " " " The Tribunal (Gen. Nikitchenko) | 12690- 692 | " " " " " The President.
| 12692-698 | " " " EICHBORN by Dr. Stahmer.
| 12698- 699 | Request of Dr. Kransbuehler to cross-examine refused.
| 12699- 704 | Cross-examination of witness EICHBORN by Col. Smitnov.
| 12704-706 | Re " " " " " Dr. Stahmer.
| 12707 | Dr. Stahmer requests calling an additional witness in Katyn case.
(8722) ---------------|--------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Page No. Contents | | | 12708-713 | Examination of witness OBERHAUSER by Dr. Stahmer.
| | | 12713-718 | Cross " " " " " Col.
| | | 12718-719 | Re " " " " " Stahmer.
| | | 12719-720 | Examination " " " " The President.
| | | 12720-728 | " " " BAZILEVSKY by Col.
| | | 12729-734 | Cross " " " " " Dr. Stahmer.
| | | 12734 | Examination " " " " The President.
| | | 12735-741 | " " " MARKOV by Col.
Smitnov. ---------------|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------2nd July 1946 | 12742-754 | Examination of witness MARKOV by Col. Smitnov continues.
| | 12742-12817 | 12754-769 | Cross " " " " " Dr. Stahmer | | | 12769-772 | Examination " " " " The President.
| | | 12773-783 | " " " PROSOROVSKI by Col.
| | | 12783-786 | Cross " " " " " Dr. Stahmer.
| | | 12786-787 | Pesident rules that no further evidence may be called on Katyn case.
| | | 12788-790 | Dr. von Luedinghausen submits NEURATH documents.
| | | 12791-794 | Re-examination of defendant von NEURATH by Dr. von Luedinghausen.
| | | 12795-804 | Dr. Kranzbuehler submits additional DOENITZ document.
| | | 12804-808 | Dr. Sauter submits additional FUNK documents.
| | | 12808-814 | Dr. Thoma (Rosenberg) submits additional documents.
(9395) 2...
Date Page No. Contents 3rd July 1946 | 12818 | Disussion about BORMANN witness 12818-12902 | 12819-830 | Dr. Stahmer (Goering) submits additional interrogatories.
| 12830-832 | Discussion Tribunal - Dr. Horn - Sir David Maxwell Fyfe on additional Ribbentrop docs.
| 12832-844 | Dr. Siemers (Raeder) submits BOEHM affidavit and makes other applications.
| 12844 | Dr. Nelte submits additional KEITEL documents.
| 12844-848 | Dr. Kaufmann submits additional KALTEN BRUNNER documents.
| 12849-854 | Dr. Servatius submits additional SAUCKEL documents.
| 12855-860 | Dr. Steinbauer submits additional SEYSS-INQUART documents | 12860 | Dr. Thoma (Rosenberg) submits Oeppert affidavit.
| 12860-862 | Dr. Schilf (Fritzsche) refers to additional interrogatories.
| 12862-863 | Dr. Flaechsner submits additional SPEER document.
| 12863 | Dr. Servatius (Sauckel) requests examination of witness WALKENHORST.
| 12863-866 | Dr. Marx submits additional STREICHER documents.
| 12866-867 | Dr. Sauter refers to evidence taken before the commission.
| 12868-875 | Col. Phillimore submits documents in rebuttal.
| 12875-886 | Mr. Justice Jackson submits documents in rebuttal.
| 12887-889 | Mr. Dodd submits documents in rebuttal.
| 12889-891 | Examination of witness KEMPKA by Dr. Bergold (Bormann).
| 12891-894 | " " " " " The President.
| 12894-875 | " " " " " The Tribunal (Mr. Biddle) (9396) ---------------|--------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Page No. Contents 3rd July 1946 | 12895-897 | Cross-examination of witness KEMPKA by Mr. Dodd.
(cont'd) | | | 12898 | Dr. Servatius (Sauckel) submits Walkenhorst affidavit.
| 18898-899 | President asks Dr. Nelte (Keitel) about length of final speech.
| 12900-901 | Dr. Nelte explains reasons for length.
| 12901-902 | President informs Dr. Siemens (Raeder) on steps taken to find witness SCHULZE. ---------------|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th July 1946 | 12903-950 | Dr. Jahrreiss makes speech on juridical question of breach of peace. 12903-978 | 12951-952 | Dr. Sauter reads letter from FUNK to Tribunal.
| 12953 | Dr. Exner reads letter from JODL to Tribunal.
| 12953-978 | Dr. Stahmer makes final speech on behalf of GOERING. ---------------|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5th July 1946 | 12979-13030 | Dr. Stahmer continues final speech on behalf of GOERING. 12979-13064 | 13031-036 | Dr. Seidl makes final speech on behalf of HESS, instructed by Tribunal to recast speech.
| 13036-061 | Dr. Horn makes final speech on behalf of RIBBENTROP.
| 13068-064 | Dr. Dix and President discuss Dr. Jahrreiss' speech. ---------------|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8th July 1946 | 13065-101 | Dr. Horn continues final speech on behalf of RIBBENTROP. 13065-13169 | 13102-169 | Dr. Nelte makes final speech on behalf of KEITEL. ---------------|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9th July 1946 | 13170 | President makes announcement on calling of witnesses for organisations 13170-13271 | 13170-13208 | Dr. Nelte continues final speech on behalf of KEITEL.
| 13208-244 | Dr. Kaufmann makes final speech on behalf of KALTEN BRUNNER.
| 13244-271 | Dr. Thoma makes final speech on behalf of ROSENBERG.
(9397) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Page No. Contents 10th July 1946 13272-316 Dr. Thoma continues final speech on behalf of ROSENBERG.
13272-13316 11th July 1946 13317-362 Dr Seidl makes final speech on behalf of FRANK 13317-13401 12th July 1946 13402-440 Dr Marx continues final speech on behalf of STREICHER 13402-13478 15th July 1946 13479-492 Dr Sauter continues final speech on behalf of FUNK 13479-13573 13498-500 Dr. Steinbauer deals with additional applications on behalf of SEYSS) INQUART (9398) I. M. T. Transcript Date Page Nos.
Contents. 16th July 1946 13574 - 13636 Dr. Kranzbuehler makes final speech on behalf of DOENITZ 13574 - 13677 13637 - 677 Dr. Siemens makes final speech on behalf of RAEDER. 17th July 1946 13678 - 13712 Dr. Siemers continues final speech on behalf of RAEDER 13678 - 13727 13712 - 727 Dr. Sauter makes final speech on behalf of von SCHIRACH. 18th July 1946 13728 - 13760 Dr. Saueter continues final speech on behalf of von SCHIRACH. 13728 - 13824 13760 - 819 Dr. Servatius makes final speech on behalf of SAUCKEL.
13819 - 824 Dr. Exner makes final speech on behalf of JODL. 19th July 1946 13825 - 13885 Dr. Exner continues final speech on behalf of JODL. 13825 - 13930 13886 - 13930 Dr. Steinbauer makes final speech on behalf of SEYSS - INQUART. 22nd July 1946 13931 - 13932 Dr. Griffith-Jones gives prosecution views on Political Leaders documents. 13931 - 14030 13932 Dr. Servatius gives his views on Political Leaders Documents.
13933 - 13935 Mr. Elwyn Jones gives prosecution views on SS Documents.
13935 - 13942 Dr. Pelckmann deals with Prosecution objections.
13942 - 13944 Mr. Dodd gives preosecution views on High Command documents.
13944 - 13949 Dr. Laternser argues on prosecution objections.
13949 - 13966 Dr. Steinbauer continues final speech on behalf of SEYSS-INQUART.
13956 President gives Tribunal's ruling on Organisations' documents.
13967 - 13982 Dr. Bergold makes final speech on behalf of BORMANN.
13982 - 14030 Dr. Kubuschok makes final speech on behalf of von PAPEN.
Date Page No. Contents.
23rd July 1946 14031 - 14053 Dr. Kubuschok continues final speech on behalf of von PAPEN. 14031 - 14144 14054 - Dr. Flaechsner makes final speech on behalf of SPEER.
14104 - 14144 Dr. von Luedinghausen makes final speech on behalf of von NEURATH. 24th July 1946 14145 - 14147 Mr. Elwyn Jones deals with applications for SS witnesses. 14145 - 14243 14147 - 152 Dr. Pelckmann refers to Rauschning application.
14153 - 153 Dr. Dodd deals with witnesses for SD, Reich Cabinet, High Command and Gestapo.
14153 - 158 Dr. Laternser argues for calling more than 3 witnesses for High Command 14158 - 159 Mr. Griffith Jones deals with Political Leaders' witnesses.
14159 - 162 Dr. Servatius argues on Prosecution objection to Political Leaders' witnesses.
14162 President announces Tribunal rulings on Organisation's witnesses.
14162 - 219 Dr. von Luedinghausen continues final speech on behalf of von NEURATH.
14219 - 243 Dr. Fritz makes final speech on behalf of FRITZSCHE. 25th July 1946 14244 President refers to Dr. Seidl's final speech on behalf of HESS. 14244 - 14330 14244 - 14272 Dr. Fritz continues final speech on behalf of FRITZSCHE.
14274 - 330 Dr. Seidl makes final speech on behalf of HESS. 26th July 1946 14331 - 14456 Mr. Justice Jackson makes final speech on behalf of Prosecution. 14331 - 14466 14407 - 466 Sir Hartley Shawcross makes final speech on behalf of Prosecution. 27th July 1946 14467 - 14533 Sir Hartley Shawcross continues final speech. 14467 - 14533 29th July 1946 14534 - 587 M. Champetier de Ribes makes final speech on behalf of Prosecution. 14534 - 14659 14588 - 659 Gen. Rudenko makes final speech on behalf of Prosecution.
Date Pages No. Contents.
30th July 1946 14660 - 14680 Gen. Rudenko continues final speech. 144660 - 14733 14680 Mr. Barrington states prosecution views on applications for SA witnesses.
14681 - 682 Dr. Boehm states his views on SA witnesses.
14682 - 684 Mr. Barrington deals with SA documents.
14684 - 687 Dr. Boehm deals with SA documents.
14680 - 693 Dr. Servatius opens case for Political Leaders.
14694 - 707 Examination of witness KAUFMANN by Dr. Servatius.
14742 - 743 Re - examination of witness KAUFMANN by Dr. Servatius.
14745 - 753 Examination of witness MEYER - WENDERBORN by Dr. Servatius. 31st July 1946 14754 - 14755 Examination of witness MEYER-WENDERBORN by Dr. Servatius continued. 14754 - 14841 14755 - 770 Cross-examination of witness MEYER-WENDERBORN by Mr. Griffth Jones.
14770 Re-examination of witness MEYER-WENDERBORN Dr. Servatius.
14771 - 780 Examination of witness WEGSCHEIDER by Dr. Servatius.
14780 - 784 Cross-examination of witness WEGSCHEIDER by Mr. Griffith Jones 14784 - 785 Examination of witness WEGSCHEIDER by The Tribunal (Gen.
Nikitschenko) 14787 - 793 Examination of witness HIRT by Dr. Servatius.
14794 - 796 Cross-examination of witness HIRT by Mr. Griffith Jones.
14796 - 799 Cross-examination of witness HIRT by Gen. Raginsky.
14799 - 14801 Re-examination of witness HIRT by Dr. Servatius.
14802 - 815 Examination of witness HUPFAUER by Dr. Servatius.
14815 - 818 Cross-examination of witness HUPFAUER by Mr. Griffith Jones.
14819 Dr. Servatius asks to submit documents and affidavits later.
14820 - 841 Examination of witness BEST by Dr. Merkel (Gestapo).
I.M.T Transcript.
Date Page Nos. Contents. 1st August 1946 14842 - 14843 Examination of witness BEST by Dr. Gawlik (SD.) 14842 - 14934 14844 - 860 Cross-examination of witness BEST by Lt. Comdr. Harris.
14860 - 862 Re-examination of witness BEST by Dr. Merkel (Gestapo).
14862 - 863 Re-examination of witness BEST by Dr. Laternser (High Command).
14864 - 878 Examination of witness HOFFMANN by Dr. Merkel (Gestapo).
14879 - 894 Cross-examination of witness HOFFMANN by M. Monneray.
14894 - 895 Re-examination of witness HOFFMANN by Dr. Merkel 14893 - 898 Examination of witness HOFFMANN by The Tribunal (Mr. Biddle).14899 Re- cross-examination of witness HOFFMANN by Lt. Comdr.
14899 - 901 Col. Karev submits documents with regard to activities of the Gestapo.
14901 - 902 Discussion President - Dr. Merkel about final argument.
14903 - 921 Examination of witness HOEPPNER by Dr. Gawlik (SD).
14930 - 931 Re-examination of witness HOEPPNER by Dr. Gawlik. 2nd August 1946 14933 - 14961 Cross-examination of witness HOEPPNER by Col. Smirnov. 14935 - 15015 14961 - 966 Re-examination of witness HOEPPNER by Dr. Gawlik.
14966 - 982 Examination of witness ROESSNER by Dr. Gawlik.
14982 - 15000 Cross-examination of witness ROESSNER by M. Monneray.
15001 - 008 Examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER by Dr. Kubuschok (Reich Cabinet).
15008 - 014 Cross-examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER by Dr. Kempner.
15014 - 015 Re-examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER by Dr. Dix (Schacht). 3rd August 1946 13016 - 15017 Dr. Siemers makes application to call witness BUERCKNER. 15016 - 15053 15018 - 019 Re-examination of witness SCHLEGELBERGER by Dr. Kubuschok.
15019 - 020 Mr. Elwyn Jones requests permission to call SIEVERS as a witness.
Date Page Nos. Contents.
3rd August 1946 15020 - 15025 Dr. Pelckmann (SS) opposes.
cont'd. 15023 Tribunal grants application.
15024 - 053 Examination of witness EBERSTEIN by Dr. Pelckmann (SS).
15037 Dr. Siemers application rejected. 5th August 1946 15054 - 15063 Examination of witness EBERSTEIN by Dr. Pelckmann. 15054 - 15128 15063 - 086 Cross-examination of witness EBERSTEIN by - Mr. Elwyn Jones.
15086 - 090 Re-examination of witness EBERSTEIN by Dr. Pelckmann.
15094 - 106 Examination of witness BRILL by Dr. Pelckmann.
15108 - 112 Cross-examination of witness BRILL by Mr. Elwyn Jones.
15113 - 115 Cross - examination of witness BRILL by Col. Smirnov.
15116 Re-examination of witness BRILL by Dr. Pelckmann.
15116 - 118 Examination of witness BRILL by The Tribunal (Mr. Biddle).
15118 - 128 Examination of witness HAUSSER by Dr. Pelckmann. 6th August 1946 15129 - 15135 Examination of witness HAUSSER by Dr. Pelckmann. 15129 - 15212 15135 - 159 Cross-examination of witness HAUSSER by Mr. Elwyn Jones.
15159 - 164 Discussion Tribunal - Mr. Elwyn Jones - Sir David Maxwell Fyfe and Dr. Pelckmann 15165 - 172 Cross-examination of witness HAUSSER by Mr. Elwyn Jones continued.
15172 - 178 Cross-examination of witness HAUSSER by Col. Smirnov.
15180 - 187 Re-examination of witness HAUSSER by Dr. Pelckmann.
15187 - 188 Dr. Pelckmann asks to call EIZENBERG as witness.
15188 - 15212 Examination of witness REINICKE by Dr. Pelckmann.
Date Page Nos. Contents.
7th August 1946 15213 - 15235 Examination of witness REINICKE by Dr. Pelckmann 15213 - 15296 15235 - 236 Dr. Laternser asks permission to cross-examine. Refused.
15237 - 254 Cross-examination of witness REINICKE by Mr. Elwyn Jones 15257 - 257 Discussion President - Mr.Elwyn Jones - Dr. Pelckmann on admissibility of Czechoslovak 15258 - 262 Cross-examination of witness REINICKE by Mr.Elwyn Jones 15263 - 264 - Cross-examination of witness REINICKE by Col.
Shirnov 15272 - 273 Re-examination of witness REINICKE by Dr.Gawlik (SD) 15273 - 276 Examination of witness REINICKE by The Tribunal (Mr.Biddle) 15279 - 281 Dr. Pelckmann applies to call witness MORGEN instead of HINDERFELD 15282 Examination of witness EIZENBERG by Mr.Elwyn Jones 15283 - 284 Cross-Examination of witness EIZENBERG by Dr. Pelckmann 15285 - 296 Examination of witness MORGEN by Dr. Pelckmann 8th August 1946 15297 - 15320 Examination of witness MORGEN by Dr. Pelckmann 15 297 - 15343 15320 - 321 Examination of witness MORGEN by Dr. Gawlik (SD) 15322 - 343 Cross-Examination of witness SIEVERS by Mr.Elwyn Jones Date Page Nos.
9th August 1946 15344 - 15367 Cross-examination of witness SIEVERS by Mr. Elwyn Jones 15344 - 15436 15365 - 375 Re-examination of witness SIEVERS by Dr. Pelckmann 15376 - 377 Mr. Elwyn Jones submits 3 documents on SS case 15377 Re-examination of witness SIEVERS by Dr.Laternser (High Command.)
15378 - 379 Examination of witness SIEVERS by The Tribunal (Mr.Biddle) 15380 - 382 It. Comdr Harris presents document on BEST 15384 - 385 Gen.
Taylor makes observation on testimany of von BRAUCHITSCH 15386 - 411 Examination of witness von BRAUCHITSCH by Dr.Laternser 15412 - 417 Cross-Examination of witness von BRAUCHITSCH by Gen.
Taylor 15417 - 419 Re-Examination of witness von BRAUCHITSCH by Dr.Laternser 15420 - 436 Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Dr.Laternser 10th August 1946 15437 - 15460 Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Dr. Laternser 15437 - 15484 15461 - 462 Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Dr. Gawlik (SD) 15462 - 484 Cross - Examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Gen.
Taylor 12th August 1946 15485 - 15487 Dr. Sauter (Funk) applies that affidavit of POHL be not admitted 15485 - 15568 15488 - 498 Cross-examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Gen.Alexandrov 15498 - 501 Discussion President - Gen.
Alexandrov - Dr. Laternser are SCHREIBER affidavit.
15501 - 507 Re-examination of witness von MANNSTEIN by Gen. Alexandrov 15508 - 510 Discussion Mr. Dodd - President - Dr.Sauter about POHL affidavit.
Application rejected.
15511 - 523 Examination of witness von RUNDSTEDT by Dr. Laternser 15523 - 541 Cross-Examination of witness von RUNDSTEDT by Mr.Calvoccarressi 15541 - 544 Re-Examination of witness von RUNDSTEDT by Dr.Laternser Date Page Nos.
15544 - 15559 Examination of witness BOOK by Dr. Boehm (SA) 15560 - 568 Cross-Examination of witness BOCK by Mr.Barrington 13th August 1946 15569 - 15573 Re-examination of witness BOCK by Dr.Boehm 15569 - 15656 15573 - 592 Examination of witness SCHAEFER by Dr. Boehm 15593 - 616 Cross-Examination of witness SCHAEFER by Mr. Barrington 15617 - 630 Examination of witness GROSS by Dr. Boehm.
15630 - 631 Examination of witness CROSS by Dr. Gawlik (SA) 15632 - 638 Cross-Examination of witness CROSS by Col.
Phillimore 15639 Mr. Elwyn Jones asks Tribunal to acccpt 4043 PS 15639 - 656 Examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr. Boehm.
14th August 1946 15657 - 15671 Examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr. Boehm 15657 - 15705 15672 - 705 Cross-Examination of witness JUETTNER by Sir David Maxwell Fyfe. 15th August 1946 15706 - 15707 President announces Tribunal rulings on Commission report, application 15706 - 15752 by Dr. Klefisch to make a speech and find speeches of defendants 15745 - 749 Dr.Seidl (Frank) submits excerpt from Franks Diary.
15750 - 752 Re-Examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr. Boehm.
I. M. T. TRANSCRIPT Date Page Nos.
Contents 16 August 1946 15753 - 780 Re-examination of witness JUETTNER by Dr Boehm (S.A.) 15753-15832 15781 - 783 Dr Stahmer refers to additional applications re Sievers' evidence.
15788 - 795 Cross- " " " " " Mr Dodd.
15796 - 797 Examination " " " " The Tribunal (Mr Biddle) 15797 - 799 Dr Stahmer makes further reference to Sievers' evidence.
15830 - 832 Six David Maxwell-Fyfe deals with Goering's connections with Rascher experiments. 19 August 1946 15833 - 836 Mr Dodd objects to re-examination of GOERING. 15833-15869 15836 - 842 Dr Servatius continues with Leadership Corps documents. 20 August 1946 15870 - 887 Dr Dix (Schacht) makes application to call General HALDER and Mrs STRUENK. 15870 - 15947 15871 - 872 President makes announcements about 1) condition of HESS; and 2) Recall of GOERING to witness box.
15879 - 892 Cross-examination of " " " Sir David Maxwell Fyfe (10478) 15948 - 16019 1595O - 952 Dr Laternser argues that he should have a long time.
15968 - 16015 Dr Laternser submits General Staff & OKW documents. 22August 1946 16020 - 049 Dr Boehm continues with SA documents. 16020 - 16096 16049 - 059 Mr Griffith-Jones submits documents in rebuttal.
16063 - 066 Col. Smirnov applies to strike out BUEHLER's evidence and for Tribunal to admit memorandum on Polish 16066 - 067 Dr Nelte (Keitel) asks to submit two affidavits.
16067 - 069 Dr Sauter (von Schirach) asks to submit further interrogatories. 23 August 1946 16097 - 131 Dr Servatius continues final plea. 16097 - 16185 16132 - 185 Dr Merkel makes final plea on behalf of Gestapo. 26 August 1946 16151 - 152 Col. Pokrowsky informs Tribunal that witness SCHREIBER is present and can be examined. 16151 - 16252 Dr Laternser objects.
16152 - 162 Examination of witness SCHREIBER by Gen. Alexandrov.
16162 - 171 Cross- " " " " " Dr Laternser. 27 August 1946 16253 - 255 Dr Laternser applies for further evidence in rebuttal of SCHREIBER's evidence. 16253 - 16357 Sir David Maxwell Fyfe and Col. Pokrowsky comment.
(10479) 28 August 1946 16358 - 359 Sir David Maxwell Fyfe states prosecution prepared to admit part of letter from General WARLIMONT.
16358 - 472 Dr Laternser reads it. 29 August 1946 16473 - 555 Sir David Maxwell Fyfe continues final speech. 16473 - 16559 16556 - 599 Mr Dodd makes final speech on organizations. 30 August 1946 16600 President refers to fresh application by Dr Steinbauer to put an affidavit on behalf of Seyss-Inquart. 16600 - 16728 Dr Laternser refers to further letters on bacteriological warfare.
16601 - 634 Gen. Telford Taylor makes final speech on General Staff and OKW.
16634 - 677 M. Champetier de Ribes makes final speech on organizations.
16678 - 679 Mr Dodd objects to Steinbauer's application.
16679 - 680 Dr Laternser wishes to read letter on bacteriological warfare. Not allowed. 31st August 1946 16729 - 732 Final statement by defendant GOERING. 16729 - 16793 16733 - 740 " " " " HESS.
16741 - 743 " " " " RIBBENTROP 16744 - 747 " " " " KEITEL 16748 - 751 " " " " KALTENBRUNNER 16752 - 754 " " " " ROSENBERG 16755 - 757 " " " " FRANK 16757 " " " " FRICK 16758 - 759 " " " " STREICHER 16760 - 761 " " " " FUNK 16762 - 764 " " " " SCHACHT 16764A- 764B " " " " DOENITZ 16765 - 66 " " " " RAEDER 16767 - 769 " " " " SCHIRACH (10483) 16771 President denies Dr Seidel's application for further medical examination of HESS.
16771 - 77 Dr Nelte (Keitel) introduces two further affidavits. 16771-772 Dr Servatius (Political Leaders), Dr Kubuschok (von Papen), Dr Steinbauer (Seyss Inquart), Dr Flaechsner (Speer) president additional documents.
16773 - 777 Final statement by defendant SAUCKEL 16778 " " " " JODL 16779 - 780 " " " " VON PAPEN 16785 - 788 " " " " SPEER 16789 " " " " VON NEURATH 16789 - 792 " " " " FRITZSCHE 16793 President announces date for judgment.