He tried to minimise the significance of the SA. after 1934 but his evidence was quite clear.
"Q. In their less important role, did they contine the policy and practice that they had been carrying out before, the persecution of the Jews?
"A. There is no doubt. were the "strongest strong arm of the movement" and that the Nazi Government was an "anti-Jewish Government". SA, after 1934, why should Lutze, Chief of Staff of the SA speaking to the Diplomatic Corps and deputies of the foreign press in January 1936, have had to explain away the title with which the foreign press so often branded the SA -- "The bearer of a barbaric and uncivilized race struggle"? Why should all those articles have been appearing in the "SA-Mann" almost monthly during the years 1935-1939 in wording so similar to that favoured by 'Der Sturmer'? The titles are sufficient to indicate their nature. I only draw attention to four: persecuting the Jews after 1934, how is it possible to account for the part they played in the demonstrations of November 1938. You will remember the instructions received by the SA 50th Brigade at Darmstadt in the early morning of the 10th November:
"On the order of the Gruppenfuehrer all the Jewish synagogues within the 50th Brigade are to be blown up or set on fire immediately... The action is to be carried out in civilian clothes". leave the next paragraph and go on to the last paragraph on that page where I say: would have you believe, an exception to the policy of the SA Leadership and to the general behaviour of SA members in the rest of Germany. Altogether 267 synagogues were destroyed that night.
We can properly ask: Why should the 50th, 51st and 151st Brigades alone have received instructions to destroy all synagogues? Why should Juettner himself have issued to all SA units the orders from Hess that all offices of the Party and its branches which had safeguarded valuable property, were to hand it over to the nearest office of the Gestapo?
We ask you to say that that evidence is in itself conclusive. Nevertheless you have in addition the report of the proceedings of the Supreme Party Court in connection with the murders of Jews which took place during those demonstrations. Fifteen SA men committed murder. They did so all over Germany; in East Prussia; in Dessau, in Hanover, in Bremen, in Saxony, and in Munich. Were they, too, all isolated incidents?
Goering's biographer wrote of the SA in 1937:
"The present reorganization of the Security Police is hardly noticed by the public. Their ranks are strengthened by the SA, the most reliable instrument of the movement". Hardly could any organization have received a more damning testimony. I pass to the Preparation for War and Wartime Activities, with which the Nazis commenced their preparation for aggressive war. Geist, the American Counsel, tell you:
"Particularly through the years 1933 and 1934 hordes of Stormtroopers SA were much in evidence practising military exercises. They were being converted into a military organization. I frequently encountered the Stormtroopers deployed in fields and forests engaged in military technical exercises. This was all part of a general plan to prepare German's manpower for war".
Geist's assumption is confirmed by Lutze himself writing in 1939: the extensive mission of this SA... The SA shall be the bearer of the military thought of a free people. In the same sense the Fuehrer said in his book? 'Mein Kampf':
'Give the German nation six million perfectly trained have created an army out ? them in loss than 2 years.
' "The men never forget the mission of the Fuehrer to require the military training of the German man and to reconstruct the military spirit in the German people"."The SA did not have any military character and did not desire to have it.
29 Aug M LJG 11-1b Perrin "The SA always preserved the non-military character of its training programme". and purpose of the SA and of its intensive training and preparation for war.
Dr. Ernst Bayer, writing on the orders of the Supreme SA HQ in 1938, yet again describes the aims of the SA:
"The SA was commissioned to obtain an increase and preservation of a warlike power and a warlike spirit as the expression of an aggressive attitude." Command of the SA should be represented on the Reich Defense Council, and I add that there was a pencil note added that that was done. A regular officer was appointed to the SA to assist them in "military" training, "For the purpose of camouflage he was to wear SA uniform". We know the form which the training took from 1933 until 1939 from the training directives and other documents - some issued by Lutze himself - shooting, grenade throwing, judging distance, map reading, end marching.
We know also that as early as early as July 1933 the SA had formed specialised units such as signal and motorized companies and separate air wings. The SA Command was anxiously stressing the need for secrecy in the case of any publications "which might give other countries an opening to construe German infringement of the terms of the Versailles Treaty".
The publication of pictures " enabling other countries to prove the alleged formation of technical troop units" was forbidden It is hardly necessary again to quote Dr. Ernst Bayer to see the purpose of these technical units, but I quote him:
"There originates in those technical units of the SA a trained crow whose capabilities and knowledge are not the last things of extraordinary value in the service for defense of the country".
Similarly he wrote of the Reiter Corps:
"At present the Sa each year is able to furnish many thousands of young trained cavalrymen to our Wehrmacht".
29 Aug M LJG 11-2b Perrin all this was loading when the Chief of Staff himself was saying publicly that the training principle of the SA was "always the spiritual, moral and physical culture of militarization of the whole German nation"? the SA and the Reich Defense Ministry in connection with all "A" tasks. Juettner has explained what these "A" tasks were - training and border protection". Did border protection mean preparations for the military seizure of the Rhineland, Austria and Czechoslavakia? the Rhineland an armed staff with a heavy machine gun company.
Early in 1934 the SA were also making plans -- I quote:
"to have the Austrian formations in Bavaria march into Austria around the 8th or 9th February. Then a military dictatorship would be proclaimed." Putsch is before you. When the time eventually came for the Anschluss, SA units were among the first to enter Austria.
(A recess was taken) (The Tribunal reconvened at 1400 hours.)
SIR DAVID MAXWELL FYFE: My Lord, I continue with the military activities of the SA, with the last sentence on Page 62. Corps. In October 1938, a few weeks after the Munich crisis, the OKW Liaison Officer with the Free Corps reported:
"Supplies had been organized by the SA, arms supplied by the Austrian
SA. With magnificent camaraderie and unselfishness, the SA Leadership had looked after the Free Corps materially.
Equipping and feeding remained in the care of the NSDAP and the SA."
document there will be found a list of the prisoners, the booty taken by the Free Corps, and the casualties inflicted by them in what was a time of peace. This support to the Free Corps was certainly included in "border control" as Juettner himself admitted.
The crimes of the SA did not end with the outbreak of war. Again I quote from the witness Juettner:
"At the beginning of the war with Poland the SA Group Sudeten carried out transports of prisoners of war into the camp.
Other SA groups.
in the East may have been used for similar purposes. Later on the SA question."
When you consider the evidence you have heard of the appalling conditions in which these prisoners from the East were transported into their camps, are you satisfied that that task of guarding transports was as innocent as it appears? of the SA in the war. In the communicating zones its members gave assistance to the Political Leaders in their tasks of education and orientation. Twenty-one groups of SA men were being used for guarding prisoners. The organization of the SA groups in Danzig, Posen, Silesia and the Baltic Provinces is described in these words:
"In these Regions also as in combat, the SA was the assault unit of the Party.
....In these Regions also the SA service, practically speaking, is directed towards strengthening the defensive forces.
It was extraordinary appearance and bearing into keeping with SA standards."
what was taking place in these eastern and Baltic provinces. its inmates were guarded by SA guards. Some of the Jews were made to live, enchained in deep pits where the SA "fastened chains round both ankles and round the waist; they weighed 2 kilos each and we could only take small steps when wearing them.
We were them permanently for 6 months.
The SA said that if any man removed the chains he would be hanged."
Their work consisted of digging up mass graves:
"We dug up altogether 68,000 bodies.....Amongst those I dug up I found my own brother."
the teech of their dead brothers with prongs, washing it in benzine and packing it into 8 kilogram boxes which the SA officer in charge personally took away.
DR. BOEHM: Mr. President, I believe that with regard to the statements which were just made I can refer to Affidavit D 964, the submission of which was rejected by the Court, Affidavit GB 597. The whole affidavit is printed here on Page 64, and the content of the statement's just made refers to this affidavit, the submission was not approved.
SIR DAVID MAXWELL FYFE: My Lord, I respectfully disagree with Dr. Boehm. I have the affidavit in front of me, D-964, which has the exhibit number GB 597. Paragraph 7 reads:
"Our work consisted in digging up mass graves and piling the bodies on the funeral pyres and burning them."
THE PRESIDENT: Yes. But, Sir David, what Dr. Boehm was saying is that we rejected the affidavit.
SIR DAVID MAXWELL FYFE: My Lord, not this affidavit. I distinctly remember reading it. It has an exhibit number. Szloma Gol was the affidavit I selected with regard to Vilna.
THE PRESIDENT: Dr. Boehm, what ground do you have for saying that it was rejected? If it was rejected, you must have some reasons for thinking so.
Where is the transcript? Do you have the transcript with you?
DR. BOEHM: I am of the opinion that this affidavit was among those affidavits which the Court rejected. At the moment, of course, I cannot investigate, but I shall be glad to do so after the session. I believe that this affidavit was among the affidavits which were rejected.
THE PRESIDENT: This was not one of the eleven affidavits which were rejected?
SIR DAVID MAXWELL FYFE: No, My Lord. Your Lordship will remember that I had about a half dozen Jewish witnesses from the Baltic provinces, and the Tribunal said that I could call three, and that they were to be available for cross-examination by Dr. Boehm. I selected, and I put in this affidavit, which received the exhibit number GB 597. Jones and Major Barrington, who were helping me at the time. And the fact it has an exhibit number is prima facie evidence that the Tribunal accepted it.
THE PRESIDENT: I think you had better go on. If Dr. Boehm can produce evidence that it was rejected, it will be stricken from your speech and will be disregarded.
The ghetto of Schaulen, south of Riga, was in charge of the SA. 700 to 800 men were there, recognizable by their brown uniforms and swastika armlets.
"In August 1941 the SA surrounded the whole ghetto and numbers of them lorries and drove them away.
I saw all this myself. It was done exclusively by SA.
I saw them take children by the hair and throw them into the lorries.
I did not see what happened to them but a Lithuanian told me afterwards that they had been driven 20 km.
away and shot.
He said he had seen the SA make them undress and shoot them with automatic pistols."
The SA guarded the ghetto of Kaunas where 10,500 Jews were shot in the dreadful "action" of 28 October 1941. So also did they guard the labor camps of Sakraw, Mechtal, Markstedt, Klettendorf, Lanbielaw, Faulbrueck, Reichenbach and Anaberg in Upper Silesia, where Poles, Frenchmen, Belgians, Dutch and Greeks slaved and died through ill-treatment and malnutrition and where "the methods of the SA by no means lagged behind those of the SS." years of nightmare in the ghettos and labor camps in the East. Not only are the conditions they describe confirmed again and again from other sources and from the Germans' own documents, but even the identification of a particular SA man they mention is corroborated. Leib Kibart gave you the name of the District Commissioner in whose courtyard the Jews from the Schaulen ghetto were daily cursed and beaten by their SA guards. He told you he was called Gewecke and that he was a member of the SA. We have the signature of Gewecke on one of his own letters dated 8 September 1941 complaining that the SS were interfering in his arrangements for the "orderly confiscation of Jewish property." The letter heading on that document is "the Regional Commissar in Schaulen."
Nor was it only in guarding duties that the SA were employed. They were forming Einsatz Commandos of their own units of the SA were sharing in the bloody work of annihilating the partisans. The Regional Commander of the Security Police and SD in Cracow, in writing to the defendant Frank, tells of the work of a special SA Einsatz Commando which was formed for the purpose of collecting workers from the civilian population.
"By order of the Chief of band combatting SS Obergruppenfuehrer von dem Bach, units of the Wehrmannschaften have also participated in the operation. SA Standartenfuehrer Kunze was in command of the Wehrmannschaften." That action to which the General Kommissar referred was the terrible operation Cottbus which you will remember and of which the General Commissar reported "the political effect upon the peaceful population is simply dreadful in view of the many shootings of women and children."
The SA had been organized in the Government General in 1941. Speaking in December 1943 the Defendant Frank said :
"When 2 1/2 years ago I gave orders for the SA to be formed, I was guided by a thought which today fills me more emphatically than ever. I strove to ensure ...... that an emergency reserve of absolutely unshakable National Socialists should, under all circumstances, exist in the Government General. It is quite clear that this emergency reserve of pronounced National Socialize fighters can only be the SA ...... Here as an SA comrade with my SA comrades. I can, within the framework of the SA truly cultivate what has to do with the Volk in a way which I cannot do in the political existence of the area, where I have to take numerous things into account and have to have a whip in my head without interruption, like a lion-tamer in a lion's cage, in order to keep the bandits in check. That is a point of view which a Gauleiter in the Reich never need take into account...... It (the SA) has for the first time been employed here in a new area with new methods and tasks which however, have been solved owing to the very fact that the SA is here the same as it was in the period of struggle in the Reich."
Meanwhile at home in the Reich the SA were taking over - I quote:
"the functions which had previously been entrusted only to the SS and Sipe and Army, for instance, the guarding of prisoners of war camps, supervision of forced labourers in Germany and occpied territories. This cooperation of the SA was planned and arranged by high offices in Berlin as early as the middle of 1943." for habitual drunkards, delinquents and shirkers, 300 inmates worked in the neighbouring stone quarries and on road construction. SA men provided the guards. Can we picture the conditions in which these shirkers and deliquent lived - or died ? struggle. Illegal arrest, unauthorized concentration camps, unbelievable sadism during the years of triumph, 1933 and 1934. Ruthless suppression and brutal persecution of Jews and Christians and of every opposition, coupled with warlike and aggressive training during the years from 1934 until the outbreak of war. And after that, more concentration camps, more sadism, more suppression and persecution, this time of the allegedly racially inferior peoples they had conquered; and violence and murder -but not, as it had been in the distant days of 1933, as individuals : now it was of whole peoples. It is the same pattern running through the years. Can your decision frank these men again to terrorize the peoples of Germany and Europe ? My Lord, I do not conceive it to be necessary to deal at any length with the evidence against the SS. You are already too well aware of the character of this organization and of the activities of its members. The letters SS appear in connection with almost every one of the crimes, great and small, of which you have now heard daily over the course of almost 10 months. It may all be summarised, even if understated, in the words of their leader Himmler, I quote:
"I know there are some people in Germany who become sick when they see these black coats. We understand the reason and do not expect that we shall be loved by too many."
I would therefore address you only upon one or two particular points that have arisen and to which the Prosecution attach particular importance.
The history of its development may be stated in a few words. Created originally as an elite bodyguard for the protection of Hitler himself, together with the SA, it formed a private Nazi army and the basis of what was to become the vital instrument in the conspiracy to wage aggressive war. Its value as a thoroughly reliable "instrument of the Fuehrer" was demonstrated in June 1934 when it performed the function of executioned in the blood purge which accompanied the murder of the SA leader Roehm. I quote:
"It appalled everyone" said Himmler later, and yet everyone was certain that he would do it again if such orders were issued and if it were necessary." The willingness of the SS to do it again was to be exemplified a millionfold in the ensuring years.
Until January 1933 the SS consisted of a single unit. There were no special branches, and, apart from their common role with the SA and their special position as Hitler's bodyguard, they had no other particular tasks. After the Nazi Party had come to power, however, and particularly after 1934 its members increased and its organization expanded and became more complex. Now units were created, such as the SS Totenkopf Verbaende, the task of whichwas, and continued to be, the guarding of concentration camps. A few selected units were given arms and in effect became Himmler's private army known as the SS Verfuegungstruppe. At the same time certain functions became the speciality of other groups which, while not having as separate branches, for instance, the SD who were the intelligence service of the SS and who were later to work in such close co-operation with the Gestapo. Although it became customary to distinguish between the several branches and formations of the SS by name, in terms of administration and command they were parts of the one SS, all under command of the Reichsfuehrer SS and all administered and controlled through the various main offices of the SS supreme Command.
mass of the SS membership which had remained unarmed, were drafted into the Wehrmacht. New recruits were enrolled in the Verfuegungstruppe, which was expanded to form the fighting divisions of the SS and it was these fighting divisions which, in about 1940 came to be known as the Waffen SS. how the SS had developed by 30 June 1944. By then it had a total membership of 794,941. The Allgemeine SS -the original nucleus of the SS- had declined in importance during the war because more than half of its 200,000 members had been called up to the Wehrmacht, the Labour Service or other special Nazi agencies. The remaining 594,443 belonged to the Waffen SS. The Tribunal has seen how 368,654 of the Waffen SS men were in field units. About 160,000 were in reinforcement, training and reserve units. 26,544 were in other units and offices directly subordinate to the Operational H.Q. of the SS High Command. 39,415 were in the SS Main Offices. Waffen SS were distributed. The Tribunal will see there I attached a total. Witnesses have told you that the Waffen SS had nothing to do with the concentration camps. But no loss than 24,000 of them were in the WVHA, the offices which organized and were responsible for the administration and personnel of the concentration camps. That 24,000 did not include the Totenkopf SS which provided the guards. Waffen SS men also provided the manpower of the various Nazi genocide organizations operating within and on behalf of the SS the Racial and Settlement Main Office, the Office of the Reich Commissar for the Consolidation of German Folkdom, the Central Office for persons of German Race, the Personal Staff of Himmler, including Sievers' infamous Ahnenerbe. organization the character of which was no different from any unit of the Wehrmacht. On the evidence this is not so. It is true that the Waffen SS was the combat arm of the SS. But, although its fighting formations came under the command of the Army, for operational purposes, always they remained an integral part of the SS.
Indeed, the Hitler order regarding the function of the SS on mobilization provided that if placed under the command of the Army it, I quote :"remains a unit of the NSDAP politically". Recruiting, training, promotions, administration and supply of the Waffen SS throughout the war remained the function of the Supreme Command of the SS. It was recruited through the SS Main Office. It was organized, administered and supplied through the SS Operational Office, which was the seat of its Command Headquarters. Members of the Waffen SS were subject to the jurisdiction by the SS Main Legal Office. Like all other formations of the SS, the Waffen SS was subject to Himmler's jurisdiction as Reichsfuehrer SS. It was in theory and in practice as much an integral part of the SS organization as any other branch of the SS. You will remember the evidence that von Rundstedt gave, I quote:
"The troop units of the SS were subordinate only to Himmler. I had no disciplinary power nor judicial power over them. I could not give them leaves or issue awards. I was responsible only for the technical employment of those divisions, much as I might use an Italian, Hungarian or Slovakian *division."
"state within the state" as General Det*el called it. The Defence now seeks to divide this all-embracing unity of the SS into various totally separate components united only in the person of Himmler. He and three or four of his subordinates are alone made responsible for the millionfold crimes that were committed. But this contention violates both truth and sense. We are dealing in this trial not with the murder of ten men here, or twenty there. In this indictment is charged not only the murder of millions but a demoniac plan of genocide, of the planned murder of whole nations, peoples and races. The SS was the chosen instrument for this plan which out-Heroded Heron. This plan could only be executed by the use of the whole of the SS, of every branch of the SS working in unison and in co-operation with each other. The evidence given in this trial has shown that the times of the Nazi conspirators could not have been executed in an improvised by sporadic criminal acts. They were carefully planned, prepared and put into action through the SS and other criminal organizations. The men of the SS were particularly qualified for this plan of crime. Physically trained and selected, they were politically indoctrinated in Naziism and were committed to blind obedience to the commands of Hitler and Himmler and the rest of the Nazi leaders. "Orders must be sacred" said Himmler. Not only was membership voluntary during the first sixteen years of the existence of the SS from 1925 on: it was subject to most careful selection in an endeavour to produce what the SS called a "male racial elite", a "super-stratum", a "band of definitely Nordic German men." SS men had to be fanatical Nazis of "Aryan" descent. war the voluntary basis of the recruitment was replaced by compulsory drafting. The witness Brill gave evidence that "at the end of the war there were more draftees in the Waffen SS than volunteers." of that witness. While it is not questioned that at some stage during the war considerable numbers of men were arbitrarily drafted into the Waffen SS, the date when this practice commenced and the extent to which it was carried, as they have been given by the witness Brill, are both challenged.
Autumn of 1939 and the Spring 1940. To say that the 36,000 were compulsorily drafted into the SS is deliberately misleading. When he was cross-examined before the Commissioner upon a similar statement he admitted that that 36,000 were already members of the Allgemeine SS which they had voluntarily joined. They were not conscripted: they were simply posted from one part of the SS to another. Figures of the subsequent conscripts which he gave were as follows:- During 1942, 30,000: during 1943, 100,000; and during 1944 210,000, making a total of 340,000. Even on there figures he is far short of justifying his statement that by the end of the war there were more conscripts than volunteers. He gave the grand total of the Waffen SS as 910,000 -- a figure which included its strength in 1940 and all subsequent reinforcements, both voluntary and compulsory. 340,000 amounts to only just over one-third of that total. into the SS there is considerable evidence to refute this witness. In February 1940 Hess was instructing the party offices to assist in the voluntary recruitment for the SS. In the decrees which he issued there was no suggestion of compulsory drafting. In April 1942 a recruiting pamphlet was emphasizing the voluntary basis of the Waffen SS in these words:
"The youth of the National Socialist Reich knows that he must himself initiate proceedings in order to complete his military service in the Waffen SS. That so many young Germans have volunteered for the Waffen SS is a living testimonial to the confidence of today's young generation in the Waffen SS, its spirit and above all, its leadership."
"The Soldier's Friend", a pocket diary for the German Armed Forces, published in 1943, the year in which Brill would have you believe that 100,000 men were conscripted without choice, was describing the members of the SS as hopeful young men who had "voluntarily decided to join the ranks of the Waffen SS." It stated, I quote:
"Everyone has acquainted himself with the comprehensive manual for the Waffen SS. The principal points are as follows: 1. Service in the Armed Forces SS counts as military service. Only volunteers are accepted."
admission of SIPO officials into the SS:
"I wish to clarify again: he said I want an admission only if the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. If the man applies freely and voluntarily."
29 Aug A LJG 14-1a Ninabuck And the Organization Book for 1943 explains that the Waffen SS by admitting volunteers for the duration of the war makes it possible for those volunteers to fight in the battle for the evolution of the National Socialist idea. I am entitled also to make this comment upon Brill's evidence. You will remember that I have already referred you to the statements which this witness made upon the activities of the SS Division Leibstandarte which must, in my respectful submission, be regarded as perjured testimony. In view of the suspect nature of his evidence and of the evidence there is to contradict it, it is my submission that whatever may have been the extent of compulsory service in the SS it was very much less and came into being at a very much later date than he contends. submission that the fact that a number of men were compulsorily enrolled ought not and cannot afford this organization a defense. The instances of crime committed by the SS during the war are so wide spread, so constant and so vast that you are compelled to infer that the vast majority of its members, whether in the first place they joined voluntarily or otherwise, readily accepted the tradition of the SS and themselves became willing parties to its criminal activities, May I consider in outline only some of the evidence upon which that conclusion must be drawn. the SS man received - a training for "the racial struggle" which Himmler commanded them to prosecute "without mercy." Racial theories, geopolitics, eugenics - this was their curriculum. Mein Kampf was their Bible. Their basic philosophy was expressed by Himmler :
"It must be a matter of course that the most copious breeding should be from this racial super-stratum of the Germanic people. In 20 to 30 years we must really be able to present the whole of Europe with its leading class. If the SS, together with the farmers . . . . . then run the colony in the East on a grand scabe 29 Aug A LJG 14-2a Ninabuck without any restraint, without any question about any kind of tradition but with nerve and revolutionary impetus, we shall in 20 years push the national boundary 500 km.
eastwards." SS men to the conception of a world in which the destruction, enslavement end the degradation of "inferior" peoples were regarded as an honourable duty. Pangs of conscience did not and could not trouble these men. The Tribunal will remember the words of Bach Zalewski when he was asked whether the murder of 90, 000 Jews by one small Einsatz group (to which, incidentally, the Waffen SS provided most of the killers) was in keeping with Nazi philosophy He said:
"I am of the opinion that when, for years, for decades, the doctrine is preached that the Slav race is an inferior race and Jews not even human, then such an outcome is inevitable." themselves infected by this poison. It is our submission that it did - and must have poisoned the ordinary SS man who did the killing. Their extermination of Jews was regarded as "A page of honour in our history."
Honour ! Cold blooded loss murder regarded as honour ! Do we need further evidence to prove the type of man this filthy education bred? Long before they had enrolled themselves in the SS their members had been saturated with racial hatred and Fuehrer worship. SS training was only a more advanced course. When they joined the SS, to whatever part they went they saw the practical application of all that they had learnt before. Everywhere, in every office, in every unit, murder was the trade. And where murder was to be done it was the members of the SS that were enrolled to do it.
The Ahnenerbe was a department of the SS. Its list of members included the name of over one hundred professors and other educated men - also SS members, who relied upon the murderous business of hundreds of other SS members to supply them with the bodies for their experiments and the specimens for their collections 29 Aug A LJG 14-3a Ninabuck tated, care being taken that, I quote:
" the head should not be damaged."
Professor Hirt wrote :
"By procuring the skulls of the Jewish Bolshevik Commissars who represent the prototype or the repulsive but characteristic sub-human, we have the chance new to obtain a scientific document." office of the SS, the office responsible for the awful crime of genocide and all that it entailed. The RSHA and the WVHA controlling and responsible for the concentration camps were manned by SS. The crime of the SS in the concentration camps need no further mention except to emphasize that the enquiries instituted by the SS judicial system, of which the witness Morgen gave evidence, were not enquiries into mass murder but into cases of corruption by SS officials. That witness is another whom I have already suggested to be unworthy of belief. How can the story of an investigation by an SS judge into the murders by Hoess at Auschwitz, which were Interrupted by the advance of the Allies, be taken seriously? What further investigation could have been needed when Morgan himself knew all the details of the Auschwitz killings some time in 1943 or 1944. Do you doubt that had the Allies lost the war Hoess would still be committing mass murder in that concentration camp and that SS judges would still be investigating corruption and isolated crimes?