DR. BOEHM: Yes, Mr. President, I shall try to speak more slowly. October, 1933, it was set forth that the Health Pioneer Service, Hilfspionier Dienst, was to be taken over into the technical service of the SA. SA would be a reason for the termination of a labor contract, and under certain circumstances the answer was "yes".
A commentary is furnished by document 221, and I quote:
"The legal obligation under oath given out by the Fuehrer makes any leaving of the SA or any other association absolutely impossible. Only physical unfitness or other cogent reasons will permit your leaving the SA." mission of the highest SA leadership.
formations might have, as a result, the lack of employment, and this was set down in on official directive of the Justice Ministry. How cases did take place may be seen therefrom. Therefore, it is not strange that German citizens were appointed to agencies under compulsion. It existed, as may be shown from document SA 243, which is a note of the Holy See in Rome. It says, "The Holy See knows to what extent the freedom of taking decisions is limited in Germany today by the pressure forced upon nearly all the citizens; upon civil servants, employees, workmen, scholars, and even upon persons with the formerly free professions, through the economic conditions and anxiety for their mere existence."
THE PRESIDENT: Did you say 243 in your document book?
DR. BOEHM: 143, Mr. President.
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, 143. Go on.
DR. BOEHM: And in the third part of my presentation of evidence, I should like to refer to the evidence of a witness who does not have an especially leading position, and I shall turn to the subjective matter at hand. Under the date of 13 March 1946, paragraph 6, figure 3, applies here. "Wehrtuechtigkeit" is explained as "fitness for military service, and then it says, "The fitness for military service and being familiar with records of war and their use will teach the German man how to act in service. From SA document 224 we can see that the SA did not have anything to do with the Waffenschule (Military Training School), therefore,no military training was given. This may be proven by SA document 225 and 226. Excerpts from the magazine, "Der SA Fuehrer" says, "You can always further the ever present designation of the sphere of the tasks of the SA and of the Wehrmacht. The SA, in connection with the HJ looks to the spiritual and physical conditions." in an organization of a Wehr or of a Free Corps. It was denounced by Hitler. Document 229 shows that the members of the SA did not knew and could not know about the so-called criminality as the Prosecution claims, for on May 25, the Rhine Commission lifted the ban on the "German Freedom Party". As Hitler well knew, to lull the population, the order which he gave on 1 July 1934 in which he gave an entirely different background to the Roehm Putsch than the conditions which actually existed.
Mr. Jackson has accused the members of the various formations of the fact that they were not being accused of their entering into the organization, but rather, their remaining in the organization, for, after all, they knew the conditions of the concentration camps. In this connection I quote document 250 and I should like to submit it. It is a document from which we can see that one of the most prominent members of the Catholic Church in Munich, who had spent years in a concentration camps, deals with this question. From this we can see just exactly what injustices were taking place in the Third Reich.
"For eight years I collected, everything that could be learned of NationalSocialist laws, decrees, police measures, information about injustices, about acts of violence, infamy, crimes, blasphemies, persecution of the church, murder, etc. Hundreds of pages of the book "The Persecution of the Catholic Church" which was mentioned in the beginning and which was published in 1940 were taken from my collection. It will carry more weight if I give the assurance that, 'As far as atrocities in concentration camps and crimes in the occupied territories are concerned, I could practically learn and pass on nothing'." today? For one thing, he would not have had the sources of information that Newhauesler had. Now, I shall turn to my third part of the presentation in which the Prosecution asserts that the SA had been a terror organization. Just what the matter was in this connection may be seen from documents 285, 286 and 287. It may be clearly seen that the circular, quoted given out by the legal society, says that it was the KPD which incited the people against democracy; that it was the KPD which incited the people against the class struggle. As document 286 shows, this demand for the class struggle took place with the so-called idea of world revelation. In connection with this I should like to quote from document 132, that "the civil war was sponsored by the KPD", and it also refers to this matter of the civil war and the line of a terroristic conflict with the Leftist party.
1925 issued against Link and colleagues, we see that in this latent civil war the battle against the circles of the *SDAP and the Reichswehr was raised again and again. In this connection the establishment of the SA as a protection against the Leftists is shown in documents 311 end 314. Those are excerpts from the book "Mein Kampf" written by Hitler.
From SA document 300, an excerpt from Gisegius's book, "Until the Bitter End", we con see an explanation to the effect that pressure, even though there were demands for civil war, existed. We see an opinion of Hitler which Mr. Gisevius must admit, and this may be seen from document SA-301, that the National Socialist revolutionary demands found victims. In SA document 302, Mr. Gisevius admits that so far as the excesses took place, on the whole it was just a small clique that participated. I shall quote:
"They are the group staffs, their hired staff guard as well as that gang of roughnecks who are to be found in any place where mischief is in the wind." with Hitler and how he, as higher SA leader, tried to prevent a civil war. Therefore, again and again he demanded discipline. In this connection I would like to quote the directive of 30 March 1941, SA document 306. It says, verbatim, in figure 2, "Every party member, regardless of his position in the party, will be Immediately excluded from the party if he takes it into his head to violate consciously the regulations of the emergency decree or to tolerate or to approve of such offenses."
the position which document 316 shows was taken by the Party in the year 1933 in regard to the church. The Party and the church had reached a common ground of understanding, and we can see that the churches believed they could have confidence, and that the prohibitions and warnings were not necessary any longer.
Therefore, attending services was permitted also. formations of the Party and to work in all confidence. I shall quote:
"Consequently, we mean to devote our entire Catholic assets, Christian Conservative ideas and Christian progressive forces to the New Germany; build and enhance her spirit with our own, and not let ourselves be pushed aside or keep aside, but serve Germany with all our best resources wherever she needs us for her remaking. We are therefore determined to work actively, with every possible means and relations at our disposal, for the union of all Germans.
And for the same reason, we shall make it obligatory for all members to join the Wehrausbildung. We naturally also welcome the adhesion of a many Catholic students as possible to the paramilitary societies acknowledged by the state. We must consequently. with a spirit of self-sacrifice, in true Christian and German sentiment joyfully participate in the process of construction of the Reich." Session 115 of the Bavarian Diet of the 29th of April, 1931. This assurance read "On the contrary, our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler repeatedly stated that the Party it to be led in such a manner that no Roman Catholic as a faithful member of the National Socialist German Labor Party can come into conflict with his conscience."
see that same assurance when re read:
"The Rational Government sees in both of the Christian denominations high impo tant factors for the preservation of our national characteristics (Volkstums). It will respect the agreements concluded between them and the provinces (Laender): their right shall not be infringed........ The National Government will permit and safeguard the influence of the Christian denominations in school and education to which they are entitled. It is its concern to insure a sincere cooperation between Church and State." We may see therefore th we are not to figure on the fact that school wothout church would ensue.
SA Document 321 shows in a directive issued by the Fuehrer's Deputy on the 23 of January 1939: "In my directives of 11 November 1937 and 1 June 1938 I decided that the Party, its branches and associated organizations were to abstain from exer ting any influence in internal Church matters. to these Church and confessional discussions and I take again known the directives for all branches and associated organizations of the Party as follows."
From SA Document 326, we can see that in the year 1931 it wasn't thought of to exterminate Jews, as it unfortunately happened later on. from the SA into the Steel Helmet Organization. Will it please the Tribunal to turn to my Document Book which concerns itself with the organization Steel Helmet, Docum No. 1. It is a regular address given by the first leader of the "Stahlhelm".
THE PRESIDENT: Which book is it?
DR. BOEHM: Book Four, Mr. President . The first document is a regular addres made by the first leader of the Stahlhelm Organization, Frans Seldte, given on the 27th of November, 1933, and contains: "I, who am a member of no party, hereby decl my entry into the National Socialist German Workers, Party, because it is the mov ment that is to confine the whole German people into a single unit.
I therefore place myself, together with the Stahlhelm Association of Front 1* Soldiers which I founded, as a military unit complete in itself under the command of the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler. . . . ed by Hess, dated the first of May, 1933, from the German newspaper "Fraenkischer Kurier". From this document, we can see that the Steel Helmet Organization, despit its subordination to Hitler, was to remain a body quite independent within itself of the Stahlhelm Organization, the 28th of April, 1933. From the first few paragra we can see that the second unit of Duesterberg was not agreeable to keeping up th contact with the first leader Seldte. The second paragraph shows a direct dismiss of the second leader Duesterberg, even by way of telegram signed by Seldte. From the last paragraph of this document, I should like to quote the last sentence--fr the telgram sent on the same day: "I herewith take over the sole dictatorial lea ship of the Association." zation, of the third of May, 1933. The man is defining his attitude here, and it's that Seldte, because of the measures which were contrary to the regulations, was any longer considered the regular leader of the organization, but not considered Duesterberg.
THE PRESIDENT: Dr. Boehm, if I remember right, one of that witnesses who was heard here before the Tribunal, dealt with the entry of the Stahlhelm into the SA did he not?
THE PRESIDENT: Do you contradict him?
DR. BOEHM: No, Mr. President.
THE PRESIDENT: Surely these documents which relate to the introduction of the Stahlhelm into the SA can be dealt with quickly as a group. You can give us the numbers of the documents. The witness has given evidence that has not been cross exmained, and it isn't necessary to refer in detail to those documents which mere ly support the evidence of the witness.
DR. BOEHM: Yes, Mr. President. Now, I shall turn to Document No. 6, from whi we can see that the Steel Helmet Association was to be put under the leadership of the SA. Then I shall turn to document No. 7. which is a decisive order given by Hitler, from which I should like to quote part of the end. Page one, paragraph six. "The entire Stahlhelm will be placed under the command of the Supreme SA Leadership and will be organized according to their directives."
Then I should like to refer to Document No. 8. from which we can see that the Wehrstahlhelm was to be taken over by the SA as well--the military Stahlhelm-and especially that the members of the Wehrstahlhelm can in the future remain as members of the Stahlhelm.
Now I shall turn to Document No. 9: Do that these expeditious incorporations of the Steel Helmet shall be carried through.
Documents 10 and 12 concern themselves with the members of the Wehrstahlhelm; that they are to have equal rights, and that they are to have a certain unity. emphasized here. Document 17 and Document 18 bring about the complete amalgamatio of the Steel Helmet Reserve.
Document 18-A: According to which all members who are over 45 years are incor porated into the SA Reserve. quote Paragraph two: "members of the former Stalhelmbund (members of the Steelhelmet Union) who were already transferred into SA-Reserve 1. cannot of their own volition sever their connection with SA-Reserve 1 for the sole purpose of joining other associations. One who, becauses of a physical defect, cannot discharge his duties or who for other reasons wishes to leave SA-Reserved 1.just make an applic tion for his withdrawal, stating the reasons for his request. Dual membership the SA-Reserve 1. and in the NS Veterans' Association is permitted provided the individual joined the former Stahlhelm before 30 January 1933."
tion of an incorporation of a Rheinish Steel Helmet Unit into an SA Reserve 1. Association in 1935. Heinrich Hildebrandt and Walter Kettner. I should like to quote one sentence on page 17: "The Stahlhelm knows war and therefore desires peace." that members of the Steel Helmet made the effort to leave the SA-Reserve 1. The documents which follow deal with those members of the Steel Helmet who did not agr with their introduction into the SA.
THE PRESIDENT: Wouldn't you tell us what the effect of all those documents is rather than reading us all through 30 documents? You have given us now about the Stahlhelm. Haven't you got any idea what they come to?
DR. BOEHM: With the submission of these documents I mean to show to the High Tribunal that the Steel Helmet Organization in no way was in agreement with one measures which were taken in the period of time in which it was introduced and taken over by the SA, that members of the Steel Helmet Organization tried to leave the SA, that they mat with difficulties, and that the ideal attitude held by the Steel Helmet was, in a large measure, quite different from that held by the SA.
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, go on.
DR. BOEHM: Then I should like to refer to a series of newspaper articles which are contained in Documents 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49. dealing with the conspiracy by the Steel Helmet against the SA in 1933 in Pommerania. Document 36 deals with the poster giving a threatening message against the National Socialist Veterans Associations.
Document 33, and I quote but briefly "The Steel Helmet Organization in Brunswick dissolved. 1350 men were arrested and interned." From the second paragraph in the center -
THE PRESIDENT: You have given us a long list of newspapers. What is the object of them? Is there anything which connects these together, makes them into a group?
DR. BOEHM: They all have a certain cohesion, a certain sense of this respect, Mr. President, for in this way I hope to prove that in various spots the Steel Helmets were dissolved, that members of the Steel Helmets were arrested and that they had difficulties for in the large part they disagreed with being taken into the SA and disagreed with the attitude held by the SA on political and spiritual matters.
THE PRESIDENT: I understand then that they are illustrations of the difficulties which the Steel Helmet Organization had with the SA; incidents.
DR. BOEHM: Yes. Now briefly --
THE PRESIDENT: The contention is that the Steel Helmet weren't really volunteers, into the SA; is that it?
DR. BOEHM: Yes, Mr. President. They entered the SA on the strength of orders.
THEPRESIDENT: Very well. You can pass from that group, I think.
DR. BOEHM: Very well. Now I shall turn to Document Book No. 5, in which I dealt with those documents relating to the mounted units. Documents 56 and 57 deal with the origin, the development, and the organization of the NS Mounted Corps. Document 56 is an excerpt from an official organ of the Reiter Corps, German utility horses, in the year 1933. Perhaps it is important that the president of the riding societies said that the associations were to be changed into a National Socialist Reiter Corps so that all riding in the country would become a certain organization with its own formation, without being incorporated into the SS. the Reiter Corps only at the top was connected with the General SA. of the NS Reiter Corps. Documents 59, 60, and 61 are extracts from the rules of riding villages whose members were not permitted to carry out political activity. This attitude was maintained and retained after 1933. we can see the activity of the NS Reiter Corps. the receiving of the Reiter certificate. This document has no political character at all. Document 70 gives the prerequisites for the granting of the Reiter emblem. Military and political views played no role in this connection. The emblem was an honorary sport emblem and it was the highest hope of all members of the NS Reiter Corps to have this. I shall have this submitted to the High Tribunal as document 71, dealing with the emblem, and perhaps I might refer to the fact that it was the only emblem which boars no National Socialist insignia.
from a tremendous number of photos and photostats, which give us a typical picture of the activities of theReiter Corps.
Now I shall turn to my discussion of the affidavits, Mr. President, and I shall deal with the first group of affidavits which I have submitted. I should like to refer to the General SA 17, 74, and 81. These affidavits deal with the topic of coercion, legal coercion to force entry into the formations. Affidavit 1, deposed by Dr. Menge, deals with the problem of the forceful incorporation into the SA, dealing with the Later Sports Association into the Naval SA. sport associations as closed sturm units of the SA.
Affidavit No. 61 deals with the responsibility of leaving the SA. of the state government is dealt with in the affidavits General SA 38, 39, and 40. From these we see that the preaching of a war of revenge against France would result in an expulsion from the SA, for the SA leadership forbade all discussion regarding the South Tyrolean and Alsation question.
Affidavit SA 38, deposed by Dr. Busse, deals with Staff Chief Lutze, and it characterizes him as an Opponent of any and all warmongering. We can see unequivocally from Affidavit SA 1, deposed by Dr. Menge, which deals with the agreement concluded between the Wehrmacht and the SA, the contents of which it gives, if there were to be any conflict between the SA and the Wehrmacht, the SA would take the side of the Wehrmacht. From the same affidavit we can see that Staff Chief Lutze, in the autumn of 1939 at a conference with Hitler and Goebbels, energetically condemned a war against Poland.
Affidavit's General SA No. and 6 deal with the preparation of the SA for the Party Rally in 1939.
Affidavit No. 76 deposed by General von Hoerauf, deals with the negotiation carried on by Roehm in 1931 and 1932 and the agreements he reached with English-French political circles, the contents of which were:
1, within a brief period of time Roehm reached the top of the NSDAP; 2, the press of the NSDAP has come under British influence; 3, the establishment of an extra political and military political bureau. In connection with these negotiations -
THE PRESIDENT: The Tribunal is finding this very difficult tofollow. You have here, I suppose, about 200 affidavits, something like that. Now, wouldn't it be the best way to put them into groups, and tell us the numbers of those which relate to some subject? Don't they relate to any particular subject, or are there 200 subjects that they relate to? Have they no possibility of being grouped together?
DR. BOEHM: Mr. President, that will be hard to do, for this reason; as far as the individual affidavits are concerned, special points are found which have to be emphasized and which are not commonly found in all of the affidavits.
I should like to be brief and I have tried to be brief already when I grouped my collective affidavits together but as far as those individual affidavits are concerned, it is almost impossible for me to do that and to apply a common denominator.
THE PRESIDENT: It is a great deal more difficult for the Tribunal to follow.
DR. BOEHM: Of course, but in one affidavit No. 76, deposed by General Hoerauf, we hear about what aims were pursued by Roehm.
THE PRESIDENT: Surely, Dr. Boehm, if you are going to inflict upon us the whole of these two hundred affidavits, you might at least do it in order.
DR. BOEHM: Then I shall turn to No. 83, deposed by Adolf Freund.
THE PRESIDENT: I would think that if it is up to 85, we are not going to hear any more about it or are we going to jump back to 1, 2, 5, and 4?
DR. BOEHM: Mr. President, those affidavits have been grouped according to certain points of view and therefore I cannot present thorn in consecutive order.
THE PRESIDENT: I am afrain I must not be speaking clearly or else the translation is not coming through to you clearly. What I asked you to do was to give us the topics with which these affidavits deal and then give us the numbers of the affidavits which deal with each topic. Now you are telling me that there are groups and that the affidavits are grouped with reference to topics. Will you kindly give us the topics raid the number.
DR. BOEHM: Certainly, Mr. President. I have told you, Mr. President, th I have been able to adhere to this grouping in my collective affidavits; howeve it was very difficult to follow the same procedure with individual affidavits. Of course, that was the idea I intended to convey.
DR. BOEHM: But I shall try to take into account what you have said in so far as possible. Now, I shall turn to the group of those affidavits which deal with the fact that the SA was not a military formation. This topic is dealt with in affidavits 25, 27, 28 and 30, that the schools of the chiefs of the training system did not have any military character. That is to be proved by affidavits 32, 33 and 37, that the sport emblem and its character is to be explained and clarified in the affidavit No. 8, dealing with the question whether the Feldherrnhalle was subordinate to the Wehrmacht and the SA and the question is to be clarified by affidavit No.18 and how far it was subordinate to the Wehrmacht and this is an affidavit deposed by the General Guenther, the commander of the 1st Panzer Division, who was with the Feldherrnhalle.
advanced by the prosecution that the SA was a terrorist organization. From affidavit No. 15, deposed by General Hoerauf, we can see that the Reich Minister Severing was the one who issued the SA service regulation -- Affidavi No. 19, 20, 21 and 22.
THE PRESIDENT: Dr. Boehm, I don't know whether you were in Court yesterday but I pointed out to the counsel who was dealing with the matter then, that it is utterly useless to simply read over to us the summary which we hive before us. Now, you have just referred us to affidavit No. 15 and the summary before us is this: "Franz von Hoerauf. 24.6.46. Former Reichsminister Severing's lack of objection to SA Service regulations." Those are practically the identical words which you have just repeated to us. Now, what is the good of that.
DR. BOEHM: Mr. President, I do not know the compilation you have before you and I haven't read it. I do not have any translation of this compilation either; therefore, I do not know what is contained in your compilation and what is not contained there.
THE PRESIDENT: You mean you haven't got this summary?
DR. BOEHM: I received the book and I repeatedly asked that a translation be given me, because of the fact of my colleagues --
THE PRESIDENT: If you were here yesterday, you must have heard me say over and over again to counsel who was presenting the documents, that we had before us a summary and that it was useless for him to repeat the summary to us Now, what would be useful would be, as I have already pointed out, if you would group these, affidavits and tell us what topics they relate to and also tell us which of them have been translated and if there are any to which you particularly desire to draw our attention, which have been translated, then draw our attention to the passages in those to which you wish to draw our attention.
DR. BOEHM: My last group which I set up is to prove that the SA was a protective organization against terror and in this connection, I mention affidavits No. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, and that the excesses in Berlin extended only to a restricted circle of persons. That fact is to be proved by affidavit No. 84.
THE PRESIDENT: Have any one which you have just given us, which show that the SA was not a terrorist organization, been translated?
DR. BOEHM: I have not received the translation of my affidavit, Mr. President, therefore I do not have any possibility to check which have been translated and which have not been translated so far.
THE PRESIDENT: Surely, you must know which you have asked to be translated. Somebody must have asked it.
MR. BOEHM: Yes, Mr. President -- that, I don't know, whether the translation actually has been done?
DR. BOEHM: For I did not receive any books which --
THE PRESIDENT: You can tell us which ones you wanted to have translated couldn't you, which were being translated.
DR. BOEHM: I applied to have 21 affidavits translated, which are 1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 76, 79, 82 and 89.
THE PRESIDENT: Very well. Now go on with your grouping, if you will. The last one you gave us was 84 which you said showed that the excesses were only very exceptionally.
DR. BOEHM: On the same topic, I should like to submit affidavit No. 87, in which we see what steps were undertaken against excesses in the West and that the SA did not have any attitude inimical toward the Jews, as asserted by the prosecution, and which may be shown by affidavit 54 and 57. The same may be seen from affidavit No. 54 and 53 - To the topic which was the object of the presentation of evidence, Document 1721, the following deal with affi davit 85 and 96; affidavits which are to prove this is a specific case, that the Gruppenfuehrer of the Brigade Kurpfalz-Mannheim did not give any order to destroy synagogues and in the same connection, I should like to quote affidavit No 89 and have it taken into account, and in conclusion, affidavit No. 78, from which we can see that Lutze, after the 9th of November 1938, did not any more permit the use of the SA for police use by the political leadership unless the leadership gave its permission for the use of the SA.
affidavits 71 and 72 deal with this matter; and affidavit No. 70 shows how those people were punished who participated in the enterprise from the 9th to the 10th of November 1938; how the SA took measures of its own accord against these who have participated on the 9th to 10th of November 1933, which may be seen from affidavit No. 4, and the basic attitude by the SA towards the church was, may be seen from affidavits 43, 44, and 45. The activity of the physicians in the SA can be seen from the affidavits No. 62 and 63 -- in so far as the SA was connected with concentration camps, this matter should be gathered from the general affidavit No. 15, deposed by Leonhard Gentermann. Finally, in order to conclude this topic and to conclude this group of affidavits, I should like to submit affidavit No. 62, deposed by Dr. Priese who, as a member of the KTD (?), was an expert in the Bavarian Ministry for the Plenipotentiary for Political Liberation, in which affidavit he states and he is speaking as one who was able to gather an overall picture as a political opponent that the SA was not a criminal organization in the sense of the charter and that it cannot be called such.
THE PRESIDENT: Which number was that?
Dr. BOEHM: That was No. 32. I bog your pardon, there scorns to be a typographical error -- 82. Mr. President, now, I should like to turn to the collective affidavits. This is grouped and compiled in perhaps 21 pages and I can save time myself on this report, if it is permitted me, to submit this document and have it translated. This compilation is of importance, for it is the result of more than 17,000 attitudes and in my opinion this would --
THE PRESIDENT: 17,000 what?
DR. BOEHM: 17,000 affidavits.
DR. BOEHM: The complete contents of those affidavits have been summarize a by me and compressed into 2 pages and I believe that it would have importance if it would be translated and I can save time be reporting on it now.
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, Dr. Boehm, it may be translated but it should not be translated until after your speech has been translated.
DR. BOEHM: Very well. Then I should like to submit this document which is a compilation and I should like to submit it to the Tribunal under the general No. SA-90. in the interests of the Steel Helmets and the members of the riding organizations. The Junior Steel Helmets being taken over into the SA on the strength of orders, that is a matter which is dealt with by affidavits 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13, 18, 37 and 42; of all of these affidavits, Mr. President of the ones which have been submitted in this connection, the following were translated, Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. and 9.
Reserve may be seen in affidavits number 1, 2, 5, 19, 20, 30, 33, 36, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43. The assimilation of the SA Reserve with the SA on the strength of orders is seen from affidavits number 1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 41, 41 and 42. And the fact of the resistance by the Steel Helmet members was prevented to the Session may be seen through affidavits number 1, 2, 4, 15, 17, 16, 9, 10, 11, 12, 34, 41, 41 and 42. taken over by the SA and that these people formed an independent unit within the SA according to the assurances given them, and it is to be proved by the following affidavits: 1, 5, 6, 7, 5, 14, 16, 17, 37, 38, 41 and 42. It is to be proved further that after the assurance of the corporative independents had been broken, the members of the Steel Helmet formed a closed circle or block within the SA, and that is to be proved by affidavits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 37, 39, 40, 41 and 44; and that the members of the Steel Helmet who had been token over and who had been rejected for war may be seen from affidavits number 1, 2, 5, 9 and 40. men is shown by affidavits 4, 5, 9, 13, 16, 37, 39 and 44. The fact that the Steel Helmet men condemned religious persecution is shown by affidavits 1, 2, 9 and 18; and that the Steel Helmet members taken over condemned persecution for racial reasons may be seen, from affidavits 1, 2, 4 and 38. Helmet members who had left the ranks, the members of the Steel Helmet who had been taken ever, felt themselves impelled to remain within the SA, and that is to be proved through affidavit number 1, 2, 3, 4, 37 and 39. The fact that the Steel Helmet members taken over had reason to believe that upon leaving the SA they would have trouble in making a living can be seen from affidavits 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 16, 18, 34, 37, 38, 39 and 40. That the Steel Helmet members taken ever because of orders or through laws were kept within the SA may be seen from affidavits 1 and 41. The fact that those members of the Steel Helmet nucleus taken over into time SA Reserve, even if later on they were assigned to active SA formations, in practice they were reservists, may be seen from affidavits 1, 7, 12, 19, 33, 40, 41, 42, 6, 12 and 30.
automatically and were in many cases only titles can be seen from affidavits 5 and 42.
I believe Mr. President, that it is possible for me to be equally brief in grouping the affidavits as they have been submitted for the Riding Associations, for my data in this connection hardly permits that but I should -Mr. President -
THE PRESIDENT: Haven't you already given us in your documents adequate evidence about the Riders' Corps. Surely, you have given us four documents generally which allege that the Riders' Corps was -
THE PRESIDENT: -- purely a sporting organization, and that being, I suppose, the topic of the affidavits, why not give us the numbers of the affidavits.
DR. BOEHM: Yes, Mr. President, certainly.
THE PRESIDENT: I am going to adjourn now. I am only indicating to you what you might do. We will adjourn.
DR. BOEHM: Yes, sir.
(A recess was taken.)