The attempt of the, defense to represent Frank as the "enemy of coercive methods of recruitment" can be USSR-223 had studied Frank's diaries.
For Frank never can escape page 6 1941.
But he sent people to forced labour in order to them to their doom.
The regime, set up by Hans Frank (as the Tribunal has been able to ascertain not so very Basilovski.)
with the Polish population after the war:
" insistently draw your attention, said Frank, "to the in our treatment.
This peace will signify that we, as a USSR-223 general line of policy.
This pence would signify that we but the principle will not have changed."
so-called "AB" action.
at Zakopane Frank said:
"If we win the war, then in my opinion we could make are idling around the Government-General.
If only we keep USSR-223 then in subordination during war-time -- come what may". page 21 It was not Frank's fault, that as early as in 1944, dreaming to make "minced meat" of the Poles and Ukrainians he was compelled to add:
"If we win the war". At this Polish Jews:
USSR-223 "Here we started out with 3,500,000 Jews; now but a page 21 few workers remain from this number. All the others, we shall some day say, emigrated."
camps of the General Government. However, in this very Secret report It is said there:
"Most of the Polish intellectuals are not susceptible to the in Auschwitz."
Germans about Katyn:
"There are concentration camps in Auschwitz and Maidanek, where mass murder of the Poles was carried out along chain-production lines."
And further:
"Today, unfortunately, the Polish public opinion and not only the ment in the districts," After the "secret report" addressed to Hitler there was no other "new course" on Frank's part.
On the contrary Frank published his as "dreadful", when questioned by his counsel.
After his regulation his victims.
The number of executions increased steadily till it the so-called "police courts" carried out executions, as it is said USSR-335 **aster, their mouth stuffed with plaster, bled white in prison.
At Frank stated with great satisfaction that the executionshad "favou rable consequences", another question was simultaneously discussed.
In the records of this conference it is said : USSR-223 "We must discuss the question whether, it is possible to arrange Pag. 20 place in Churches."
sions of Frank with the police; he had allegedly disagreed with their action.
Let us see what kind of dissensions these were.
The first "sonder-action" carried out in Poland, namely : te AB initiated by Frank himself.
According to the Decree of Hitler of Governor General.
When some, dissensions between Frank and the Poland.
As for the Obergruppenfuehrer Koppe, who took the place his fruitful work' and noted with satisfaction "great specialist is at the head of the police at the Government General". It is His counsel even tried to represent Frank as "a Singularly peaceful anti-semite", who entertaining a negative attitude towards the ted same.
It is incomprehensible in this case how the following words of Frank would be interpreted by the counsel:
"The Jews are a race that should be exterminated. Where ever we USSR-223 catch even one he shall he done away with." pag. 22 when he said :"That 1,2 million Jews have been condemned by us to starvation is quite comprehensible.
It stands to reason that if these Jews do measures directed against the Jews."
USSR-223 "You see how the state organs are working; you see that they page 16 don't hesitate before anything and stand up people by the dozen against the wall". - This is the manner in which Frank USSR-223 "I did not hesitate to declare that for one German killed up page 21.
to a hundred Poles would be shot" - these words were pronounc ced by Frank on the 15 January 1944 at a meeting of the poliUSSR-223 "Had I gone to the Fuhrer and told him:'My Fuhrer, I am repopage 22 rting to you that I have exterminated another 150,000 Poles', he would have said:
'Perfect, if it was indispensable'" the Tribunal that he had some "diferences of opinion on matters of principle" with Hitler and Himmler.
his accomplices. We must give credit where it is due: as It was at this government meeting held in the presence of of that time declared to Himmler's hyenas:
USSR-223 "...I would like to emphasize one point: we must not squirm page 18. when we hear of 17,000 people being shot. These shot people are also victims of war.
Let us now remember that all of us, assembled here, figure on the list of criminals of Mr. Roose velt.
I have the honor of being number one. We have become so to say, accomplices on a world-history scale.
It is ex about methods".This appeal to murder is very far from the "interminable quarrels with the police" which defendant Frank spoke about The defendant made a mistake about one thing:
he was incorrect in defining his place in the dock.
But he was not mistaken about the fundamentals:
he took his place in the dock as a "criminal on a world history scale."
ubly connected with the name of the defendant Wilhelm Frick:
Official The order concerning the extermination of aged people Transcript and of the insane was issued in 1940 by no other than morning the defendant Frick.
26.4.46 In his capacity of Minister of the Interior of Hitlerp.37-38. ite Germany, the witness Gesavius testified to in this and the realization of the Hitlerite government's aggres sive plans, was considerable.
He was a member of the Soviet Union, the defendat Frick's Ministry of the USSR.
The machinery of the German occupational author Frick bears full and direct responsibility for all these Julius Streicher did not formally hold functions directly connected with the perpetration of murders and mass executions, it is hard to overestimate the crimes committed by this man.
constructed and switched into action the gas chambers and gas wagons; together with these who personally committed mass actions, Streicher must bear responsibility for the most cruel crimes of German fascism. of depraved cruelty and the calling to murder - all this was not only the Party function of this man, but also the source of his income. April 1937, which is already known to the Tribunal Himmler expressed his high esteem for the merits of "Der Sturmer" and of its publisher. who quartered the children of Tremblinka. Had it not been for the "Sutmer" and its publisher, German fascism would not have been able to educate at such short notice these mass cadres of murderess who personally put into effect the criminal plans of Hitler and his gang, by murdering over 6 million European Jews. children and youth of Germany The so-called, "children's editions" of the "Stuermer" have been submitted to the Tribunal. bear responsibility for the selection of Jewish children from the Lvov ghetto, for target practice by the morally depraved "Hitler Jugend". It is not by accident, that von Schirach held in so high an esteem Streicher's "historical merits".
The fanatical "Nunrberg Laws" were only the "beginning of the struggle" for this "Number One Judeophobe" as he called himself, who was also the organizer of the first Jewish pogroms.
As the Tribunal can recall, after these laws were issued, Streicher called for the physical extermination of the Jews in Europe and he wrote:
"This problem will only be solved when world Jewry is exterminated". "ritual numbers" of the Stuermer, which were to incite the SS men towards the killing of millions of guiltless persons and to justify any atrocity directed against the Jews. These proofs of Stretcher's guilt which, among others, were submitted to the Tribunal, are of common knowledge and not subject to any doubt. GB-332 In 1939 he anticipated Maidanek and Treblinka and wrote that PS-801. "perhaps graves alone" will testify to the previous existence already englufing millions of victims, the "Stuermer" published which were full of lies and maliciousness and finally the " "Stuermer" could state with sadistical satisfaction that:
"The Jews of Europe have disappeared".
Streicher lied all his life. He attempted to lie, here in Court.
I do not know whether he believed he would be able Shacht's defense position is extremely simple:
order to maintain peace. He was for the return of Germany's colonies another world war, Schacht went over to the opposition.
He sabotaged persecuted as a participant in the plot against Hitler.
This is the Actually, Schacht's connection with the Nazi movement begins as early as 1930.
Schacht was drawn to National Socialism and both Hitler and Goering sought Schacht's support.
Indeed the latter, with his vast connections in Germany's industrial and financial spheres, could, like nobody else, render invaluable services to the Nazi movement.
And this he did. PS-457 As early as August 29, 1932, in a letter to Hitler, Schacht assured the latter of his layalty.
These were not mere words, for more than anybody, Defendant Schacht played a decisive port in Hitler's advent to power.
It PS376 industrialists for Hitler to be named Reich Chancellor.
Chancellor of Germany: "Hand over your post to Hitler." US-161 D-203 It was again Schacht who, in 1933, on the eve of the Reichstag elections, US-655 US-767 called the conference of industrialists which created an election fund of Hitler's closest follower, Goebbels, characterizes thus the part played by Schacht and his importance in the creation of Nozi Germany.
On the 21st of November 1932, he wrote down in his diary:
In a talk with Dr. Schacht, I came to the conviction that he fully -262 shares our point of view. He is one of the few who fully agrees with the position of the Fuehrer". 09 defendant Schacht depicted himself his part in the Nazi state:
"I can assure you that all that I do and all that I say is in full would not be approved by the fuehrer.
That is why it is the Fuehrer and not I who is the bearer of economic reason."
played by Schacht in thepreparation of Germany's armaments and conseS-838 The former war minister, von Blomberg, testified that in 1937 the S- development plans of the armed forces were close to completion and that 901 Schacht was one of the most consistent partisans of the Nazi's criminal plans.
In a talk with the United States Ambassador Fuller on the 23rd of September, 1936, Schacht stated that:
"Germany absolutely needs colonies. If it is possible, we will * S-629 acquire them by means of negotiations.
If not, we will seize them." S-450 Speaking in Vienna in March, 1938, Schacht declared: S-632 S-297 "Thank God, this could not prevent the great German people from German thought.
He strengthened it with reinforced armed forces Germany and Austria."
of Nazi Germany's war economy and armed forces. PS-644 This activity of the defendant Schacht is clearly described in the PS-650 numerous laudatory letters which he received from Hitler. PS-397 method of issuing so-called "Mefo bills", by which twelve millions of As was already stated *---* defendant Schacht attempted, at dissension with the Nazi regime.
In reality, Schacht was carrying out a double game.
On one hand, he shielded himself from the connection with oppositional circles.
However, true to himself, he played by him in Hitler's conspiracy and war crimes.
It is the part of the creator of Nazi Germany's war economy and of an An article published in the newspaper "Das Reich" on 13 August 1940, under the heading "Walter Funk - pioneer of the national-socialist thought", read as follows:
USSR-450 "Walter Funk was true to his principles because he was, is and always Trans. 7.V.46, will be a true national socialist, a champion, devoting all his page 51 labors to the victory of the Fuehrer's ideals."
What was meant by "Fuehrer's ideals", we already know only too well.
Funk devoted to these "ideals" 15 years of his life. Trans. Funk declared that he had nothing in common with the SS, but it was 6.V.46 he, Funk, who transformed the vaults of the Reichsbank into PP 57-62 Trans. Funk personally gave orders, after his negotiations with Himmler, to 7.V.46 take into the Reichsbank the golden tooth plates, the glass rims end pp 1-22 The Gruppenfuehrer SS Hoiler was Funk's deputy.
Under Funk's Trans. direction operated Olendorf, this murderer, who has the death of 3.I.46 90,000 persons on his conscience. p.17 USA-36 Funk, supplementing Schacht's measures, put the whole of Germany's PS-2194 USSR-451 economy at the service of the aggressive Hitlerite plans, and later USA-662 Already in May 1939, Funk, together with his Deputy, Landfried, PS-2409 USA-782 On 23 June 1939, Funk takes part in the conference of the Reich PS-378 USSR-452 Already at that epoch, Funk was not only informed of Germany's im the seizure of new territories.
Such were the "Fuehrer's" great article entitled "Economic and Financial mobilization".I shall mention one mere ducment.
On 25 August 1939, Funk wrote to Hitler:
GB-49 "Fieldmarshal Goering told me that my Fuehrer yesterday evenPS-699 organization of subscription to obligatory donations; this news made me happy."
Funk attached his collaborators to Rosenberg's ministry and to the Economic Staff OST - this predatory organization.
Funk's agents took Transc. Funk was the president of the "Continental Oil Company" which was 7-5-46 morn. created for the exploitation by Germans of the oil fields in the occupied pp. 1-64 launched by Germany against the USSR.
He made a speech on 17 December Goering's office, for the discussion of the most effective measures for the economic plunder of the occupied territories of the USSR', Poland, At this conference, as well as at the conference of the "Central Planning Board", Funk participated in the elaboration of plans for the deportation to slavery of millions of people from the occupied territories.
Hitlerite conspirator, defendant Funk - Hitler's personal adviser on the economic question since 1931, Reich Minister and Plenipotentiary General for Economic questions, President of the Reichbank and member of the Reich Defense Council, during the period of the preparations and the realization of the criminal plan (conspiracy). for the realization of crimes against individuals, in war crimes and crimes against humanity - this guilt has been fully proved and he must bear the responsibility for the evil deeds perpetrated by him. was at the head of the Nazi youth. the Hitlerite youth, von Schirach was - in his capacity of the Reich leader of youth - directly subordinated to Hitler. his efforts to avoid the responsibility for the education of the German youth in the spirit of national socialist ideas, made frequent references to the fact that "Hitlerjugend" was a youth organization independent of the nazi party and the Hitlerite government. possible and relevant to refer to the great Goethe, whose words - "the youth itself educates young people" - were utilized by Schirach with open cynicism.
Goethe, was, of course, right when he said that "the youth itself educates the young people". But he meant the healthy youth full of value, joyful youth, and not youth corrupted with the obscur antism of the Hitlerism, described clearly by the words of Hitler addressed to Rauschning:
"We shall educate youth before which the whole world shall tremble -
USSR-378 (p. 252) rough, exacting, cruel youth. That is what I want. Out youth must be in the possession of all these qualities.
It must be without pity before suffering.
It must be without weakness or softness. I want to see a glint of the wild animal in its eye."
youth in the spirit of Hitler's ashes, modelling them after the image of "Hitlerjugend" and the OKW, as represented by the brought up in "Hitler jugend" during the war.
The Soviet prosecution has presented to the Tribunal under #USSR-6 about the inhuman execution by the members of the "Hitler jugend" of USSR-455 In her wirtten deposition of 16 May 1946 an also in her answers to Conclusive testimony about the actions of the members of the "Hitler jugend" in the cadre of the German armed forces were given by a GerUSSR-454 of the "Hitler jugend" since 1938 and who at the age of 18, was Describing his participation in numerous crimes Hert Knitel, declared:
"In the locality of Lishaisk our company set on fire in June 1943 a house together with all the people who were in it.
.. All those eyes.
USSR-193 Schirach himself did not, of course, shoot, did not set on fire but USSR-36 USSR-357 he armed the German youty, morally corrupted, it and prepared it But the activity during the war of the "Hitler jugend" and the defen The Hitlerjugend" took an active part in the preparation of the war Yugoslovia; the official reports of the Polish and Yugoslav Gevern ments testify to this fact.
The Organization "Hitlerjugend" took an 31039-PS; it participated also in the deportation to slavery from # 1031-PS.
cription of the moral aspect of von Schirach. Faithfull to the Hitleri THE PRESIDENT:
The Tribunal will adjourn now.
(The Tribunal adjourned until Tuesday, 30 July, at 1000 hours.)