Div. oi National Defense [Abt. Landesverteidigung] Secret Command Matter Initialed G. 31/10
4 copies
The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor has conferred powers in regard to mobilization preparations in the economic field that need further definition. Powers were granted:
1. The Reich Minister of War and Commander in Chief of the Wehrmacht, by decision of the Reich Government on 4.4.33, to act as competent representative of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor in matters concerning Reich defense.
As stated in the cabinet decree, he is responsible for the execution of the measures determined upon by the RVR and issues the directives for it to the Reich ministries and other offices, which are then responsible for the further steps necessary.
This grant of authority definitely takes into account the superior position, in time of war, of the R.K.B., which is emphasized by the .delegation of the executive power (cf. RVC).
2. The Plenipotentiary General for the War Economy, through the Reich Defense Law and the Reich Government's resolution of 21.5.35.
The G. B. [Generalbevollmächtigte], according to this, is to commence his work in peacetime and direct the eceonomic preparations for the eventuality of war.
To this end, the economic departments [Ressorts] were uniformly placed under his authority in matters concerning the 3
3. Minister President Generaloberst Goering, as Commissioner for the Four Year Plan, by authority of the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor, granted 18.10.36.
As regards the war economy, Min. Pres. Gen. Oberst Goering sees it as his task "within 4 years to put the entire economy in a state of readiness for war." (Cf letter Goering-Schacht St. M. R. V. 516 g.Rs. of 18.12.36.)
Minister President Gen. Oberst Goering was also given far-reaching powers to issue directives to all the highest offices [Obersten Dienststellen] of the state and the party.
The mere comparison of these tasks has shown (see correspondence Min. Pres. Gen. Oberst Goering-Minister Schacht as
G.B. for War Economy) that this situation is untenable.
R. V.
A fruitless correspondence will be carried on among the offices of the three persons empowered to accomplish the same tasks, without leading to unified cooperation in attaining the goal.
It is recommended, therefore: That the Fuehrer be asked to limit the authorized powers on the following basis:
1. Reich Minister of War. During war: Executive power, in order to secure uniformity in the conduct of the war by order of the Fuehrer. In peacetime:
a. Power to issue directives to all highest Reich agencies for the uniformity of all preparations, insofar as demands must be adjusted and the decisions concerned do not warrant the attention of the Fuehrer.
b. Unlimited command and control right in the armament concerns and in their utilization as well [sowie deren Bestimmung].
2. Plenipotentiary General for the War Economy. During war: Centralized direction of war economy, excluding armament industry. In peacetime: Unified preparation of the war economy as heretofore.
3. Commissioner for the Four Year Plan. During war: suspended [aufgehoben]. In peacetime: Safeguarding the independent basis of the life and economy of the German people. To the extent that this task entrenches upon the sphere of the Plenipotentiary General for the War Economy [G.B. fuer die Kriegswirtschaft], joint action should be taken [im Einvernehmen handeln]. In case of divergent purposes, the decision will be made by the Fuehrer and Reichs Chancellor after consultation with the Reich Minister of War.
Ministerpresident General Field Marshal Goering
Deputy for the Four Year Plan, President of the Council of Ministers for the defense of the Reich Lt. M. Dev. 9547
To the Reich Ministers, the offices [Geschaeftsgruppen] and plenipotentiaries of the Four Year Plan
In the meeting of October 13th, I have given detailed instruc-
Memorandum on overlapping authorities in economic mobilization for war and recommendations to resolve the roles of the minister of war (Blomberg), the plenipotentiary for the war economy (Schacht), and the commissioner for the four-year plan (Goering)
Date: 30 December 1936
Literal Title: Report Memorandum on the Four Year Plan and preparation of the war economy.
Defendants: Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Hjalmar Schacht
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: EC-408
Citations: IMT (page 277), IMT (page 279), IMT (page 281), IMT (page 2303)
HLSL Item No.: 450579
Notes:The memo is not signed. The official source is recorded as "Div. of National Defense (Abt. Landesverteidigung)." Another copy was entered as US exhibit 579 (against Goering).