From Volume 102—i Economy Inspection South —the Inspector—
Br. B. No: 1/1949/43 geh.
Q., 17 Aug. 1943 Secret !
Secret !
Organization Order No. 35/43
6. Recruitment of Workers for the Reich; here: Enlistment of the years 1926 and 1927 The plenipotentiary general for labor employment ordered the recruitment and employment of all born during two years for the whole, newly occupied Eastern territory in decree Az. VI A 5780.28
(inclosure I), copy of which is inclosed. The Reich minister for armament and munition approved this order.
According to this order by the plenipotentiary general for labor employment [GBA] you have* to recruit and to transport to the Reich immediately all labor force in your territory born during 1926 and 1927. The decree relative labor duty and labor employment in the theater of operations of the newly occupied Eastern territory of the 6th February 43 and the executive orders therefore are the authority for the execution of this measure. Enlistment must be completed by 30 Sept. 43 at the latest.
The inclosed orders (inclosure II) of the supreme headquarters of the army group South of 28 July 1943, O.Q./HE Wi Fue/Qu.2/ 1852/43 geh., is the authority for the native labor forces employed by the armed forces in the region of army group South and by the native administrative offices. This order has already been forwarded to the armies.
It was agreed upon with the work group Russia-South of the organization Todt that the offices of the Organization Todt will place all labor forces born during 1926 and 1927 at the disposal of the labor authorities without receiving replacement therefor. But in special cases where a high percentage of labor forces of 1926 and 1927 will have to be recalled from the same place, the competent labor authorities will have to arrange the recall of the forces according to a sliding scale or provide immediate replacement upon request of the local offices of the Organization Todt.
Regardless of this, enlistment even from the Organization Todt will have to be completed by 30 Sept. 43 at the latest. If less than 10% of the native labor force is.taken from individual offices of the Organization Todt for employment in the Reich, there will be no replacements even later on. If more than 10% of employees is recalled, replacements will follow as far as is possible and necessary.
Recall and enlistment of labor force born during 1926 and 1927 will also be effected at Reich railroad offices without exception. Recall of labor forces frGm railroad operation units [BBW] and railroad repair units [EAW] is also to be arranged on a sliding scale and replacement should follow immediately if possible. Recruitment should be terminated here also by 30 Sept. 43.
For the organization of the Bergbau and Huettenwerksgesell-schaft m.b.H. [BHO], Dept. Donez Coal, special orders are issued as well as for armament plants (establishments of the Iwan Program and of the Gen. Qu. Program.)
For the service units of the air corps special orders will be issued.
Service is to extend over a period of two years. Compare to II order of the GBA (inclosure III) dated of 23 July 1943 regarding the limitation of work obligation for Eastern workers as well as regarding the granting of extra payment and vacations.
Above orders have already been sent to the economy commandos [Wi Kdos] (without Wi Kdo 13 and 105), to the army economic management/South (He Wi Fue/Sued) and all army economy managers (A Wi Fue) under Br. B. No. 873/43 geh. as of 3 August 43. The following amendment is made to the above orders:
1. For the territory in charge of the Wi Kdo 104 (Tscherno-gow) recruitment and enlistment of labor forces suited for Germany without consideration of age is to be effected upon suggestion of the agent of the GBA instead of the enlistment of those born during 1926 and 1927. Orders given so far are the authority for this enlistment for the Reich. Enlistment is to be speeded up so that most of the labor force suited for work in Germany has been enlisted and transported by 30 Sept. 43.
2. Recruitment and enlistment of those born during 1926 and 1927 is to be prepared in the territory of the Wi Kdo 103. Enlistment starts on 1 Sept. 1943 and will have to be terminated by 30 Sept. 1943. Recruitment and enlistment of all labor forces suited for Germany will have to start immediately in the territory of the Oblastes Orel. The general orders are authority for this enlistment.
3. In the organization of the BHO, Dept. Donez Coal, as well as
the armament plants (establishment of the Iwan-Program and of the Gen. Qu. Program) the orders of 3 August 43 are used with the amendment that recruitment has to start immediately. Further orders regarding enlistment will follow. Recruitment and enlistment are to be started immediately, effected speedily and through any suitable means.
Extract from orders concerning the conscription of workers from the Eastern territories
Date: 17 August 1943
Literal Title: Organization Order No. 35/43 . . . 6. Recruitment of Workers for the Reich; here: Enlistment of [workers born in] the years 1926 and 1927
Defendant: Erhard Milch
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-3010
Citations: NMT 2 (page 94), NMT 2 (page 1857)
HLSL Item No.: 2957
Notes:The inspector's name is not stated. Conscripted workers were referred to according to their year of birth.
Trial Issues
Deportation or expulsion of civilian populations from occupied territories… Forced labor and mistreatment of workers in war economy (IMT, NMT 2)
Document Summary
PS-3010: Circular from the Deputy General for the mobilization of labor, re: drafting two Russian age groups for work in Germany
PS-3010: From a directive issued by the inspector of economy, southern region (russia), 17 August 1943: conscription of workers born in the years 1926 and 1927 for labor in Germany
PS-3010: August 17, 1943, Secret organization order from Economic Inspection South, concerning recruitment of Workers for the Reich.