NEW FORMATION OF LAW AND ECONOMY [Neugestaltung Von Recht und Wirtschaft]
Edited by C. Schaefer, Chief Counselor of the County Court, ret. Member of the Academy for German Law, Book 13, Part 1. New Law of the State I The New Construction of the State by
Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart and Dr. Rolf Schiedermair . State Sec'y in the Ministry of Oberregierungsrat Ministry of Interior, Berlin Interior, Berlin
Published at Leipzig by W. Kohlehammer, dept. Schaeffer, in 1943. (17th revised and supplemented edition)
[Pages 138, 139]
II. The Measures for German Defense
B. Combining the Supreme Reich Authorities.
The task of the Council of Ministers for the Reich Defense, to achieve uniformity' in administration and economy, is being facilitated by the fact that the competent Supreme Reich Authorities for the civil administration—with the exception of the economic administration—are combined under a plenipotentiary and are uniformly represented by him in the Counsel of Ministers for the Reich Defense. In the economic sphere, the Reichministry for Economics and the Reichbank also are subordinate to a pleni-
potentiary, and beyond this the Deputy of the 4-year Plan, who at the same time is the President of the Counsel' of Ministers, heads the entire economic administration.
I. The Plentipotentiary for Reich Administration [GBV].
Reich Minister, Reichleiter D. Frick is the GBV ; his deputy is the Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police Himmler. .
1. Under the authority of the GBV are : The Reichministry of the Interior; Reichministry of Justice; Reichsministry for Science, Education and Peoples' Training; the Reichministry for Ecclesiastical Affairs; and the Reich Office for Geographical Allocation.
2. The GBV is empowered to issue legal decrees within his sphere in agreement with the deputy for the 4-year Plan or the Plenipotentiary for Economics and the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces. These decrees may even deviate from existing laws.
Decrees based on this authority will have the following preamble "On the basis of legal empowerment the following is decreed
II. The Plenipotentiary for Economics [GBW].
In the sphere of economy the Deputy of the 4-year Plan already combines the economical administration uniformly, since his authority has remained unimpeded by the creation of the Counsel of Ministers for the Reich Defense. Therefore, as long as the powers of the deputy for the 4-year Plan remain in force, a detailed regulation for the economic sphere, corresponding to the GBV, is not necessary. Here, however, the following applies:
1. The task of the GBW consists in the uniform conduct of the Reich Ministry for Economics and of the Reichsbank. Like the GBV, he may issue legal decrees in agreement with the GBV and the OEW, decrees which may also deviate from existing laws. To the form of these decrees the same applies as to the decrees of the GBV. Reich Minister Funk is GBW.
2. For the rest, the uniform conduct of economics is the affair of the deputy of the 4-year Plan. Decrees within the economic sphere are, therefore, principally issued on the basis of the powers of the deputy of the 4-year Plan, in as much as they are not matters of the Ministry of Economics and of the Reichsbank, as demonstrated under 1.
Extract from a book on the government, on the consolidation of offices for administration and the economy, in coordination with the Council of Ministers for the Defense of the Reich
Wilhelm Stuckart (Dr., Secretary of State, Ministry of the Interior; legal author)
Wilhelm Stuckart
German judge and politician (1902-1953)
- Born: 1902-11-16 (Wiesbaden)
- Died: 1953-11-15 (Hanover)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: judge; jurist; lawyer; politician
- Member of political party: All-German Bloc/League of Expellees and Deprived of Rights; Nazi Party (since: 1922-12-01); Socialist Reich Party
- Member of: Schutzstaffel; Sturmabteilung
- Participant in: Nuremberg Medical Trial (date: 1947-05-19; role: affiant); Wannsee Conference
- Significant person: Rudolf Brandt (role: acquaintance; since: 1943-08-01)
Rolf (or Rudolf) Schiedermair (Dr., legal author, Ministry of Interior)
Rolf Schiedermair
German judge and jurist (1909-1991)
- Born: 1909-05-08 (Munich)
- Died: 1991-06-06 (Würzburg)
- Country of citizenship: Germany
- Occupation: judge; jurist
- Member of political party: Nazi Party
- Member of: AMV Würzburg; Schutzstaffel; Sturmabteilung
Date: 1943
Literal Title: Neugestaltung von Recht und Wirtschaft (New formation of Law and Economy) . . . Neues Staatsrecht I (New Law of the State I) The New Construction of the State . . . II. The Measures for German Defense
Defendants: Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Wilhelm Goering
Total Pages: 2
Language of Text: English
Source of Text: Nazi conspiracy and aggression (Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.)
Evidence Code: PS-2970
HLSL Item No.: 451312
Notes:This document was not presented as evidence on the cabinet.